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How to better manage your time?

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Presentation on theme: "How to better manage your time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to better manage your time?

2 structure Wasted time 2. Solution

3 W a s t e d T i m e



6 SOLUTION Step1 Record Step2 Analyze Step3 Change


8 Finish my presentation
Write report Read book for 10 pages get dressed (10min) wake up breakfast go to school study lunch break face book,youtube go home dinner watch TV

9 get dressed

10 study

11 Social network




15 Step 3/ : Changing. (pause)
Now / it’s time to come up with a way to get that time back. Here are three ways to change your time wasting habits / and / become a better time manager.

16 3. Changing Declutter Declutter;

17 3 formulas to declutter!! Declutter
not only is decluttering great for your health / but / you won’t waste time digging around piles of stuff / to find one piece of paper that you really need. Though some people are poor at decluttering, / so ^ I suggest ⤴ three formulas to declutter ⤵.

18 1. Having a vision 1.Having a vision of how ^ you want to use the reclaimed space: Before you start to get rid of clutter, / stop and visualize what you want to do^ with your reclaimed space.

19 2. Recognize the types of clutter
Does this item move me closer to the vision of the life that I want? MEMORY IDEA “I MIGHT NEED” One type of clutter ^ is the memory type. These are the things that have an emotional value to you / and / have memories attached to them. Another one ^ is based on the idea "I might need this in the future." My mother ^ always says this set phrase. This type of clutter / is usually the target for organizing clutter. When thinking about getting rid of clutter, / ask yourself the following question/ "Does this item move me closer to the vision of the life that I want?" If / the item moves you closer, keep it;/ if not / then why is it here?

20 3. Use F.A.S.T approach F: A: S: T: F: Fix a time
A: Anything not used recently. S: Someone else’s clutter. T: Trash 3.Use the F.A.S.T approach to sweep away clutter F:/ Fix a time. Getting rid of clutter can be a daunting prospect. Do you find that you procrastinate over your clutter clearing sessions? Write down ^ an appointment in your planner ^ and ^ stick to it. A: Anything not used recently. When was the last time you used that the old set of tools / or / the box of clothes in the attic? Potential items that can go on your list of clutter ^ are items that you have not used in the last 12 months. Ask yourself the following questions: "When did I last use them?", “Am I likely to use it again?" and / "Is it worth holding onto ?" S: Someone else‘s clutter. Is your home a storage space for other people’s clutter? ⤴ If your home is cluttered ^ with someone else's belongings,/ then ^ it is time to politely let the person know / that they should pick up their property. T: Trash. Your trash can is your best friend when getting rid of clutter.

21 3. Changing Declutter Schedule Schedule;

22 RECAP Let’s recap. Today,/ you learned how to manage your time better / by using the method we described; record, analyze / and / change. Don’t you think these formulas can help you / to save / and / spend time more effectively? ⤴ We hope / that this presentation helps you ^ to become a better time manager.

23 RECAP Let’s recap. Today,/ you learned how to manage your time better / by using the method we described; record, analyze / and / change. Don’t you think these formulas can help you / to save / and / spend time more effectively? ⤴ We hope / that this presentation helps you ^ to become a better time manager.

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