Antwerp University of Antwerp

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0 Relationship between external and internal quality assurance
A university point of view Dr. Cis Van Den Bogaert University of Antwerp Bari, 17 April 2012

1 Antwerp University of Antwerp
Belgium’s 2nd city, Flanders’ largest city economical and cultural centre major port, industry, commerce, diamonds, fashion, Rubens … University of Antwerp

2 University of Antwerp Founded in 2003 (merger), roots in 1852
Antwerp University Association: 1 University + 4 University Colleges Medium sized: ± students Publicly funded Autonomous education and research policy Active pluralism Excellence in research Research-based education:bachelor, master, PhD

3 7 (9) faculties Natural, Engineering and Design Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences Applied Economics Literature, Languages, History and Philosophy Law Political and Social Sciences Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences Medicine and Health Sciences Life Sciences Natural, Engineering and Design Sciences Sciences Applied Engineering Design Sciences + autonomous institutions: Education and Teacher Training Development Policy Sustainable Development

4 Educational organization
Discipline / Degree programme Education Council Policy development Cell for Innovation and Quality Assurance of Education (CIKO) Education Committee / Course leader Advice Organisation of the educational decision making process. Course leaders not released of any other duties (teaching, research) for this job…. Education council: 7 student members (out of 21 who can vote) University board: 3 student members (out of 25) CIKO: 1 student member Education committee/faculty board: varies, mostly 1-2 student members Student council: 23 student members Social council: ? Student members Education committee has prime responsability for writing SER. Support from faculty level (CIKO) and central level (my colleagues and me). Faculty Faculty Board / Dean Institution University Board / Rector Decision

5 Flanders’ structure of higher education
1 ECTS credit = hours workload 60 ECTS credits = 1 academic year Academic Academic Bachelor (180 credits) Master (min. 60 credits, mostly 120 credits) Advanced Master (minimum 60) PhD Professional Professional Bachelor (180 credits) Advanced Bachelor (minimum 60 credits) University College University Secondary school

6 The Netherlands/ Flanders: External Quality Assessment
Internal evaluation Degree Programme Self-evaluation Report Visitation Guide Institution Visitation Report Committee Assessment Framework Agency QA NVAO Accreditation Report Decision Accreditation Organization

7 2 8 4 6 The 8-year QA cycle Curriculum review
internal quality assurance 8 4 2 6 Curriculum review Self-reflection & self-evaluation report Implementation of the new curriculum Visitation external quality assurance Accreditation

8 Follow up internal/external QA
Visitation report Reading group of peers Education committee takes/plans actions Follow up report to Faculty Board/QA-cell Feedback Follow up report to Education Council

9 New Accreditation System (NAS - Flanders)
Institutional Review Vision strategic policy, planning, goals Realization actions, procedures, instruments Check internal quality assessment, feedback Improvement actions for improvement Assessment of degree programmes Intended learning outcomes Teaching – learning process Assessment and achieved learning outcomes

10 use NAS to improve our iQA?
Relationship iQA - NAS How do we … cope with NAS? prepare for NAS? ✔ ✔ use NAS to improve our iQA?

11 Our strategic roadmap Translate our educational vision into clear, achievable goals and make sure that our faculties support these goals Define, conduct and assess university-wide and “faculty-deep” actions to achieve these goals

12 1. Educational vision: goals
Nexus teaching – research Competence-based education Student-centred learning Internationalization 2-page policy document “Vision on education: realization”

13 2. Actions: university-wide & faculty-deep
7 action lines: Nexus Learning outcomes Alignment Master’s thesis Feedback groups Assessment policy Course information 4 goals: Nexus Competences Student-centred International

14 Our way to make our actions successful
Bring faculties together, let them show their good practices Yearly Policy Days Faculty DUOs Make documenting feasible and visible Digital programme portfolio Invest in innovative development in the faculties, in line with our goals and actions : Assessment Policy

15 1. Faculty DUOs Natural, Engineering and Design Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences Applied Economics Literature, Languages, History and Philosophy Law Political and Social Sciences Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences Medicine and Health Sciences Life Sciences Natural, Engineering and Design Sciences Sciences Applied Engineering Design Sciences 15

16 2. Documenting : Blackboard

17 3. Innovate: assessment policy
University Fund for Educational Innovation 2012: money used for Assessment Policy – every faculty can hire project staff for one year (0.5 fte) Developing an Assessment Policy University Policy Note (UPN) on assessment Faculties write their own policy notes based on the UPN Faculties design assessment tools and procedures benchmarking of master’s theses assessment criteria for all courses of a programme formative assessment of large groups of students

18 Secret of success and challenge
herding cats? cooperation

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