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With returning panelists: Pamela VanHorn, Ohio Department of Education

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Presentation on theme: "With returning panelists: Pamela VanHorn, Ohio Department of Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 With returning panelists: Pamela VanHorn, Ohio Department of Education
How SEAs’ Statewide Systems of Support (SSOS) Build Capacity for LEAs and Schools Follow-up Discussion With returning panelists: Tonya Middling, Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Pamela VanHorn, Ohio Department of Education Lauren Morando Rhim, Consultant for the Center on Innovation and Improvement

2 Returning Panelists Tonya Middling Pam VanHorn Lauren Morando Rhim
Washington OSPI Pam VanHorn Ohio DOE Lauren Morando Rhim Consultant for CII 2

3 NNSSIL Co-coordinators
Susan Hanes Technical Advisor, Center on Innovation and Improvement Nina de las Alas Senior Program Associate, Council of Chief State School Officers 3

4 National Network of State School Improvement Leaders (NNSSIL)
Membership 50+ SEAs and territories 16 Regional Comprehensive Centers (RCCs) & 5 Content Centers Advisory Group – Design Team Subgroup of state reps., sub-dir.-level RCC staffers, US ED, and NNSSIL co-coordinators Administrative Partners Center on Innovation & Improvement Council of Chief State School Officers More information:

5 WebEx Panels & Features
Participants Raise/lower hand Chat Q&A 5

6 Follow-Up Discussion Format
Questions Submitted in Advance Questions from Participants & Follow-ups Levels (From Q & A Panel, Chat and Audio Only) Related Questions

7 NNSSIL Co-Coordinator/
Panelists Susan Hanes NNSSIL Co-Coordinator/ Moderator Pam VanHorn Ohio DOE Lauren Morando Rhim Consultant for CII Tonya Middling Washington OSPI 7

8 For More Information
Link to this session’s recording, slides and resources mentioned NNSSIL Community Site School Improvement Grants Resources Feedback Follow-up questions? Send to Susan Hanes,

9 Thank you ALL for participating in today’s session!
Thank you Tonya Middling, Pam VanHorn, and Lauren Morando Rhim for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us! Thank you ALL for participating in today’s session! 9

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