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1. How can biotic factors influence the adaptations of species?

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Presentation on theme: "1. How can biotic factors influence the adaptations of species?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. How can biotic factors influence the adaptations of species?
Agenda: January 5, Warm Ups (Add to table of contents & start new page) 2. Online Vocabulary Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups 1. How can biotic factors influence the adaptations of species? 2. How can abiotic factors influence the adaptations of species?

2 A Morphological (Structural) adaptation is a change in a body part to help an organism survive (external -longer teeth) A Physiological adaptation is a change in how a body part works to help an organism survive. (internal-pesticide resistance) A Behavioral adaptation is a change in an organisms response to the environment to help an organism survive. (hibernation)

3 2. How can changes in the environment affect populations?
Agenda: January 6, Warm Ups 2. Edusmart Notes Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. The student is expected to: *Explain variation within a population or species by comparing external features, behaviors, or physiology of organisms that enhance their survival  *Identify some changes in genetic traits that have occurred over several generations through natural selection and selective Warm Ups 1. How do adaptations help an animal to survive? 2. How can changes in the environment affect populations?

4 Agenda: January 9, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 9, Warm Ups 2. Finish notes and Animal Adaptations & Survival Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups The process of breeding organisms with specific traits to change the traits of a future generation is called _____. How does selective breeding differ from natural selection?

5 Agenda: January 10, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 10, Warm Ups 2. Finish Animal Adaptations & Survival Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups Is it a behavioral, structural/morphological, or physiological adaptation? - Horse sleeping standing up Rattlesnake producing venom Ducks webbed feet

6 Agenda: January 11, 2017 Gizmo: Natural Selection Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. No Warm Ups Complete the Prior Knowledge Questions on the Gizmo Go to Chrome Username: jmlopezms10 Password: gizmo

7 Agenda: January 12, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 12, Warm Ups 2. Adaptations Book Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups 1. A difference in the size of horses were developed through _________ _________. 2. The passing of curly hair from parent to offspring is an example of _______. Some camels have 2 humps on their back of fat, what might this adaptation be for?

8 Agenda: January 13, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 13, Warm Ups 2. Adaptations Book Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Must have 5 pages done by the end of the period at your desk Warm Ups 1. Give an example of a variation in frogs. Animals that are best adapted to their environment survive and reproduce is an example of __________ ___________. Traits that help an organism survive are called _________.

9 Agenda: January 17, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 17, Warm Ups 2. ABC Adaptations Book – Due Tomorrow Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups 1. Inside a chromosome there is a ______ with ______ material. Where would you find a trait for curly hair? ______ on chromosomes in the ___________. _____________ reproduction produces offspring identical to the parent.

10 Agenda: January 18, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 18, Warm Ups 2. Share Adaptations Books Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups 1. Give an example of a genotype that is Purebred Hybrid – What are two possible genotypes for being tall? Make a Punnett Square to predict the offspring for the following genotypes: TT x tt

11 Agenda: January 19, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 19, Warm Ups 2. Animal Adaptations Video Clips Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups 1. What is an advantage of sexual reproduction? TT or tt is ___________ or __________ Tt is ______________ or ___________

12 Agenda: January 20, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 20, Warm Ups 2. Edusmart: Selective Breading Objective: The student knows that populations and species demonstrate variation and inherit many of their unique traits through gradual processes over many generations. Warm Ups Is it sexual or asexual? - Budding Egg combines with sperm Regeneration Vegetative Propagation

13 Agenda: January 23, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 23, Warm Ups 2. Notes: Classification Objective: The student how organisms are classified based on their characteristics. Warm Ups ______ contains the blueprint for producing an organism. DNA is contained in the ______________.

14 Agenda: January 24, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 24, Warm Ups 2. Dichotomous Keys Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups A Dichotomous _______ is used to identify organisms. It uses a set of _______ Questions.

15 Agenda: January 25, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 25, Warm Ups 2. Dichotomous Keys Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups

16 Agenda: January 26, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 26, Warm Ups 2. Gizmo: Dichotomous Keys Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups

17 Agenda: January 27, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 27, Warm Ups 2. Edusmart: Dichotomous Keys Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups

18 Agenda: January 30, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 30, Warm Ups 2. Counsellors – Course Cards Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups

19 Agenda: January 31, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: January 31, Warm Ups 2. Video Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups

20 Agenda: February 1, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: February 1, Warm Ups 2. Review Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups

21 Agenda: February 2, 2017 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: February 2, Warm Ups 2. Test Objective: The student will use dichotomous keys to identify an organism. Warm Ups

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