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Today, your objective is to classify cells into 2 groups:

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Presentation on theme: "Today, your objective is to classify cells into 2 groups:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today, your objective is to classify cells into 2 groups:
2. Eukaryotic Cells 1. Prokaryotic Cells

2 Your Assignment - Directions: Answer the following questions:
1. What is a prokaryotic cell? 2. What is an eukaryotic cell? 3. What is an organelle? 4. On slide 35, draw an animal and a plant cell, draw the organelles and label them. 5. On a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast an prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell. 6. Complete the quiz and grade it.

3 What am I?

4 Hint: You may find me flying in your garden.

5 Monarch Butterfly

6 What am I?

7 Hint: You may eat me as a nice juicy treat.

8 Orange

9 What am I?

10 Hint: I have a cartoon relative named Bob.

11 Sponge

12 What am I?

13 Hint: I love to curl up and sleep in the sun.

14 House Cat

15 What am I?

16 Hint: You might cry when you cut me into slices.

17 Onion

18 ALL living organisms are made up of cells!!!



21 THE CELL THEORY All living organisms are made up of cells. .

22 THE CELL THEORY All living organisms are made up of cells.
Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an organism.

23 THE CELL THEORY All living organisms are made up of cells.
Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an organism. All cells arise from other cells.

24 Find the chloroplast below.

25 True or False? A chloroplast is an organelle in the plant cell.

26 TRUE! A chloroplast is an organelle in the plant cell.
An organelle is any of a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell. A chloroplast is an organelle in a plant cell. It is the site where photosynthesis happens.

27 First, let’s look at terms a little closer!
Now what is the difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell? First, let’s look at terms a little closer!

28 Prokaryotic before nucleus Eukaryotic true nucleus

29 Write the words in yellow for your definition.
Prokaryotic Cells Write the words in yellow for your definition. First cells to evolve NO nucleus, DNA is free floating NO membrane bound organelles (just ribosomes) ALL are unicellular Smaller than eukaryotic cells Smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells DNA – single strand and circular Ex: ALL Bacteria 29

30 Write the words in yellow for your definition.
Eukaryotic Cells Write the words in yellow for your definition. Has a nucleus (DNA inside) Bigger and more complex than prokaryotes Have membrane bound Organelles (golgi, ER, lysosomes…etc) DNA – double-stranded and forms chromosomes (highly organized) Can be uni- OR multicellular organisms Ex: animals, plants, fungi

31 Eukaryotic Cells – What is similar and different about the two cells below? Draw your cells on your paper and label them. Animal Cell Plant Cell

32 Let’s look at some actual plant and animal cells!

33 Plant Cells

34 Animal Cells

35 How would you classify this cell
How would you classify this cell? This is a bacterial cell, it is a prokaryotic cell.

36 How about this cell? This is a bacterial cell.

37 Bacteria Cell – Close up!

38 Get ready to test your Cell IQ!!!

39 Question 1: All living organisms are made up of cells. A. True B. False

40 Question 1: All living organisms are made up of cells. A. True

41 Question 2: According to the Cell Theory… A. All cells have cell walls
Question 2: According to the Cell Theory… A. All cells have cell walls. B. All cells arise from other cells. C. All cells have a nucleus.

42 Question 2: According to the Cell Theory… B
Question 2: According to the Cell Theory… B. All cells arise from other cells.

43 Question 3: You can see most cells without a microscope. A. True B
Question 3: You can see most cells without a microscope. A. True B. False

44 Question 3: You can see most cells without a microscope. B. False

45 Question 4: Plant cells have organelles (parts) that animal cells do not. A. True B. False

46 Question 4: Plant cells have organelles (parts) that animal cells do not. A. True

47 Question 5: All cells have… A. A nucleus B. A membrane C. Chloroplasts

48 Question 5: All cells have… B. A membrane

49 Question 6: Which of the following choices is not a part of a cell. A
Question 6: Which of the following choices is not a part of a cell? A. Lung B. Vacuole C. Chloroplast

50 Question 6: Which of the following choices is not a part of a cell. A
Question 6: Which of the following choices is not a part of a cell? A. Lung

51 Question 7: What type of cell has a nucleus. A. Prokaryotic cell B
Question 7: What type of cell has a nucleus? A. Prokaryotic cell B. Eukaryotic cell C. None of the above

52 Question 7: What type of cell has a nucleus? B. Eukaryotic cell

53 Question 8: Bacteria are considered to be prokaryotes. A. True B. False

54 Question 8: Bacteria are considered to be prokaryotes. A. True

55 Question 9: Some bacteria can be the cause of diseases. A. True B
Question 9: Some bacteria can be the cause of diseases. A. True B. False

56 Question 9: Some bacteria can be the cause of diseases. A. True

57 Question 10: You will never find a __________ in a bacteria cell. A
Question 10: You will never find a __________ in a bacteria cell. A. Cell Wall B. Cell Membrane C. Nucleus

58 Question 10: You will never find a __________ in a bacteria cell. C
Question 10: You will never find a __________ in a bacteria cell C. Nucleus

59 Review CELLS All living organisms are made up of cells.
Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an organism. All cells arise from other cells. Microscopes are important scientific tools.

60 Cells Cells Cells!!!

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