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AP European History Mr. Meester Pages:

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1 AP European History Mr. Meester Pages: 516-523
18th Century Empires AP European History Mr. Meester Pages:

2 The 4 Eras of Empire 1st Era: Discovery, Exploration & Conquest
: Initial settlement in the New World & entry into the Far East markets 2nd Era: Mercantilist Empires : Use of mercantilist policies develops intense rivalries amongst the European powers Slavery was an important part of the first 2 eras 3rd Era: New Imperialism 4th Era: Decolonization

3 Friction Between Empires
European countries during the 18th century used empires to promote mercantilism, and improve their economic status. Trade rivalries developed causing great strain among the European powers. Boundaries of empires had been established in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713.

4 Mercantilist Goals/Issues
It was a economic system highly regulated by the government Wanted to gain a favorable trade balance. Used colonies to provide raw materials for growing industry and to provide markets for finished products. National monopolies over colonies Many practices proved impractical. Colonial and home markets didn’t mesh.

5 France & Britain: A Rivalry Renewed
North America was a major source of conflict between France and Britain. The main rivalry was in the West Indies India was another source of conflict. Competition for trade between the British East India Company and the French Compangie des Indes.

6 Spanish Trade Regulation
The local government (Council of the Indies) was built to support Spanish economic interests The Casa de Contractacion in Seville (working with the Consulado) regulated all trade Once each year a fleet of commercial ships (Flota) would sail to specific ports in the New World The Flota system had a number of flaws

7 Reforms Under the Bourbons
The Treaty of Utrecht replaced the Habsburgs in Spain with the Bourbons Phillip V instituted French style reforms to try to revive Spanish power In Europe Charles III was the greatest of the Bourbon reformers Opened up trade Abolished the monopolies in Seville and Cadiz Intendants

8 Spanish Colonial System
Spanish society in the New World was based on social class. Viceroys: European born, high government officials and upper clergy. (peninsulares) Creoles: Colonial born Europeans. Resented the rule of the viceroys Owned large farm estates and mines Well-educated Lower clergy were also the Creoles. Mestizos: People of mixed white and Indian blood farm laborers for the most part Slaves: Indians, Negroes or a mixture of the two.

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