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Analyzing and Evaluating Web Resources

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing and Evaluating Web Resources"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.04 - Analyzing and Evaluating Web Resources

2 Evaluating Internet Resources

3 Four Criteria Authority Accuracy Currency Objectivity

4 Currency Are there dates indicating when the information on the site was last updated (This information is usually found at the bottom of the home page)? When was the page written? When was it last updated? Are there dead links on the page?

5 Objectivity All sites have some degree of bias
Does the site only offer one view point? Is the page designed to sway your opinion? Does the page present both sides of a topic even if it favors one?

6 Authority Can you identify the author? Is there at Contact Us section?
Is this someone's personal webpage? Are there resources and link present that support authority? Who are the sponsors? Is the sponsor reputable? What is the domain: .edu, .gov, us, .org,or .com Anyone can publish on the web Anyone can buy a .com or .org domain name.

7 Accuracy Is the site based on verifiable facts?
Does the site have "Gate Keepers," (creditable editors) who validate the information on the site?

8 Data

9 What is data? Data is information processed or stored by a computer.
At its most rudimentary level, computer data is in binary format Binary code is a numeric system that only uses two digits: 0 & 1. Binary Value Constant Meaning 001 vbLeftButton The left button is pressed. 010 vbRightButton The right button is pressed.

10 Examples of Data Collected on Internet
Reports: Primary Artifacts, journals, newspaper articles, speeches, etc. Secondary Bibliographies, dictionaries, biographical works, etc. Tertiary Almanacs, chronologies, manuals, etc. Financial Keep track of banking Pay bills

11 Examples of Data Collected on Internet
Travel Check flight, hotel, and car rental costs

12 Common Uses of Data Collected
Write reports E-commerce – online shopping Predict the weather Stay current on news

13 How Data Can Be Communicated
In real life scenarios: Starting conversations about current news events Developing power message for target audience: Speeches Advertising Converting into easy to understand documents Infographics Charts & Graphs

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