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Graduation and Completion Rates

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1 Graduation and Completion Rates

2 Why is this important? For schools and districts to understand how CDE defines a “graduate” For schools and districts to understand how CDE calculates graduation rates For schools and districts to understand how CDE defines a “completer” For schools and districts to understand how CDE calculates completion rates For schools and districts to understand how graduation rates compare with completion rates

3 Overview of the calculations for dropout, graduation and completion rates
12/3/2018 Graduation Rate Completion Rate Dropout Rate 4-year cohort (The Class of…) 4-year cohort (The Class of…) Annual (July 1 to June 30) Time period # of students receiving a diploma, GED certificate, or designation of high school completion within 4 years of initially entering 9th grade # of students receiving a diploma within 4 years of initially finishing 8th grade Number of reported dropouts and “age outs” during the past year Numerator # of students finishing 8th grade four years earlier + transfers in – verified transfers out # of students finishing 8th grade four years earlier + transfers in – verified transfers out # of students that were in membership in grade 7-12 at any time during the past year Denominator 76.9% 46,756 graduates / membership base of 60,777 79.6% 48,350 completers / membership base of 60,777 2.5% 10,664 dropouts / ,226 records of student membership in grades 7-12 Statewide Rate (and count) 5-, 6-, and 7-year graduation rates are also calculated and posted for each cohort 5-, 6-, and 7-year completion rates are also calculated and posted for each cohort Students exiting to a GED program are not counted as dropouts in the dropout rate Notes 3

4 Graduation rates Graduation rates are based on a cohort of students with a common anticipated year of graduation. For example, the cohort of would include all students with an anticipated year of graduation of

5 Graduation rates Numerator is a count of all students with the same anticipated year of graduation who receive a diploma. Denominator is a count of all students with the same anticipated year of graduation.

6 Who are all these students?
Graduation Rates All students with the same AYG (used for denominator) Who are all these students? Graduates (used for numerator) 6

7 12/3/2018 Graduation rates Denominator includes students with the same AYG who received a diploma and students: who dropped out in prior years who transferred to a GED program who were expelled who are still enrolled who received a GED who received a certificate of completion Students who are still enrolled at your school regardless of actual attendance Mention that the greyed-out kids…..

8 Graduation rates Graduation rate is calculated by taking the numerator and dividing by the denominator (Number of students in same AYG receiving a diploma) (Number of students who have the same AYG)

9 Graduates 3 year graduate received diploma one year before the anticipated year of graduation. 4 year graduate received diploma during the anticipated year of graduation. 5 year graduate received diploma one year after the anticipated year of graduation. 6 year graduate received diploma two years after the anticipated year of graduation. 7 year graduate received diploma three years after the anticipated year of graduation.

10 Graduation rates CDE calculates 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 year graduation rates. These are based on the anticipated year of graduation (AYG). On-time graduation is considered graduating on or before the student’s AYG (i.e. – in 4 years or less).

11 On-Time Graduation rates (Four-Year Graduation Rates)
12/3/2018 On-Time Graduation rates (Four-Year Graduation Rates) On-time graduation rates would include all students who receive a diploma before or in the year that matches anticipated year of graduation. This includes 3 and 4 year graduates. Example: The numerator for the on-time graduation rate for would include all students: with an anticipated year of graduation of and receiving a diploma on or before August 31st of 2016 The denominator includes all students with a AYG. 3 year graduates do not count for the graduation rate for the year in which they graduated. They count towards the school’s on-time graduation rate for the following year.

12 A 2016 Graduation Ceremony could include:
Students with an AYG of Students with other AYGs: 3 year graduates 5 year graduates 6 year graduates 7 year graduates What is our graduation rate for 2016? It depends. Which AYG cohort are you talking about? 12

13 Completion Rate Different?
How is the Completion Rate Different? 13

14 Overview of the calculations for dropout, graduation and completion rates
Graduation Rate Completion Rate Dropout Rate 4-year cohort (The Class of…) 4-year cohort (The Class of…) Annual (July 1 to June 30) Time period # of students receiving a diploma, GED certificate, or designation of high school completion within 4 years of initially entering 9th grade # of students receiving a diploma within 4 years of initially finishing 8th grade Number of reported dropouts and “age outs” during the past year Numerator # of students finishing 8th grade four years earlier + transfers in – verified transfers out # of students finishing 8th grade four years earlier + transfers in – verified transfers out # of students that were in membership in grade 7-12 at any time during the past year Denominator Statewide Rate (and count) 76.9% 46,756 graduates / membership base of 60,777 79.6% 48,350 completers / membership base of 60,777 2.5% 10,664 dropouts / ,226 records of student membership in grades 7-12 5-, 6-, and 7-year graduation rates are also calculated and posted for each cohort 5-, 6-, and 7-year completion rates are also calculated and posted for each cohort Students exiting to a GED program are not counted as dropouts in the dropout rate Notes 14

15 12/3/2018 Who is a “completer”? Students who receive a diploma, the HSE (GED) or certificate of completion. What is a “certificate of completion”? Each local school board must determine qualifications for students in that district to receive a certificate of completion. 15

16 How are Completion Rates Calculated?
Completion rate is calculated by dividing the numerator by the denominator: (Number of students in same AYG receiving a diploma and students receiving the GED Students receiving a Certificate of Completion) (Number of students who have the same AYG)

17 Completion rates CDE calculates 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 year completion rates. These are based on the anticipated year of graduation (AYG). On-time (four-year) completion is considered completing on or before the student’s AYG (i.e. – in 4 years or less).

18 For More Information See the CDE website:
To find district and school rates: Contact Data Services at or 18

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