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Russia Unit 5.

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1 Russia Unit 5

2 Cultural Geography of Russia
Ch. 15 Cultural Geography of Russia

3 Ethnic Diversity Although 80% of Russians are ethnic Russians, the country is home to more than 100 ethnic groups


5 Ethnic Diversity Ethnic Regions
An ethnically diverse country, most people in Russia are ethnic Russians living in European Russia. Many non-Russians have formed independent countries (32) or seek autonomy since the breakup of the Soviet Union, which had replaced centuries of czarist rule


7 Ethnic Diversity The Slavs
ethnic Russians are part of the larger ethnic group of Slavs Poles, Ukrainians, & other E. Europeans are also Slavs Most practice Eastern Orthodox Christianity

8 Ethnic Diversity Turkic Peoples
Live mostly in the Caucasus Mountains, Siberia, & in the middle Volga area Russia’s 2nd largest ethnic group Most are Muslim Ethnicity is based on language Tartars are the largest group Live in Tartars tan

9 Ethnic Diversity Caucasian Peoples
Live in the Caucasus are of SE Russia Mainly Muslim Similar languages and traditions Push for self-rule is a popular movement right now



12 Population Density & Distribution
Population & the Environment Most of the population is concentrated west of the Ural Mountains while parts of Siberia have a population of less than 1 person per square mile. Population Trends During the Soviet era many ethnic Russians left their homes to resettle in non-Russian Republics The population of Russia began declining after the Soviet breakup because of inadequate health care




16 Early People & States The land now called Russia had its origins in the 600’s A.D. Slavic farmers & hunters settled near the waterways of the N. European Plain Eastern Slavs –the ancestors of modern Russians, Ukrainians, & Belarusians- settled along the Dnieper & Volga Rivers

17 Kievan Rus Slavs settled near the waterways of the North European Plain by A.D. 600. Scandinavian Varangians settled among the E. Slavs during the 800s Organized communities into loose union called Kievan Rus Ruled by princes of the leading city state Kiev Mongol invaders occupied E. Slavic lands for over 200 years


19 The Rise of Russia Muscovites ended 200 years of Mongol control in the 1400s and began to expand their control over the area that became known as Russia 1533-Ivan IV becomes 1st crowned Czar of Russia Ivan IV crushes opponents and expands borders After Ivan IV’s death the country faced foreign invasion & social upheaval

20 Ivan IV "the Terrible"

21 Romanov Czars Under Czarist rule, over the next five centuries Russia continued to expand its borders into Siberia in the east and toward the Black Sea in the south Peter the Great In the late 1600s, Peter the Great wanted to modernize Russia Enlarged territory, built strong military, traded w/ Europe St. Petersburg Catherine the Great Expanded borders Gap between serfs & Europeanized Nobles


23 Russian Revolution 1800s Communist Russia Serfs emancipated in 1861
Growing discontent with Czarist Russia's strict governmental controls and social and economic inequalities finally culminated in the Russian Revolution in 1917 Communist Russia Many Russians wanted to establish a classless society Based on Marx’s workers’ revolution 1917- during WWI upset Russians overthrew Nicholas II




27 The Soviet Era The Bolsheviks (Soviets) promised, “Peace, Love, & Bread” Seized power under V.I. Lenin November 1917 1922-est. the Soviet Union, with Moscow as the capital Stalin set out to make the Soviet Union a strong industrial power by controlling the economy Eliminated all forms of dissent Millions of Russians were killed or died from hunger/brutal conditions in labor camps (gulags)


29 Superpower During WWII the German army invaded USSR. Cold War
Soviet military forces & civilians defeated them (27,000,000 died) By 1949 most of E. Europe was under Soviet control Cold War 1940s-1980s- USSR & US were engaged in a Cold War Struggle between capitalist west & communism



32 The Soviet Breakup 1985- Gorbachev reforms aimed at strengthening economy Failed to save the Soviet Union 1989- the overthrow of communist rulers in Eastern Europe and a weakening economy led to the collapse of Soviet control Nationalists in the non-Russian Baltic Republics declared independence eventually leading to the breakup of the Soviet Union and the new Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in 1991


34 New Russia Market Economy Separatist Movements
After transforming from a command economy to a market economy, the Russian economy is slowly improving Separatist Movements Russia today is threatened by separatist movements and ethnic conflict.


36 Religion in Russia Christianity in Russia Islam Judaism Buddhism
The Eastern Orthodox Church, Russia's dominant church until it was banned during the Soviet era of atheism, is enjoying a resurgence Some Roman Catholic & Protestant groups Islam 2nd largest Most live in S. Russia Judaism Jewish population has faced criticism pogroms Jewish religious life survives despite emigration Buddhism Most live in 2 areas Kalmykia, near the Caspian Sea, & Buryatia, near Lake Baikal

37 Eastern Orthodoxy

38 Russian Jewish Discrimination

39 Islam in Russia


41 Education During the Soviet era, mandatory education was focused on technology Today curriculums are more objective school budget limits and a lack of regard for education still pose problems Young people focus on earning money rather than education


43 Health Care The health care system also is lacking because of government inefficiency in running clinics and hospitals and low pay for doctors and nurses


45 The Arts Russia’s artistic golden age began during the late 1800s & lasted well into the 1900s.The arts which enjoyed a long tradition were severely limited under Soviet rule, & are making a strong comeback Marc Chagall- painter Pyotr Tchaikovsky- composer


47 The Arts Russian Literary giants:
Leo Tolstoy Dostoevsky Anton Chekov Alexander Pushkin Russian Opera is based on Russian literary masterpieces

48 The Arts Culture & the Soviets Post Soviet Arts
All art must glorify communism Artists who defied censorship were punished & works were banned Post Soviet Arts In the mid 1980s the Soviet control loosened and a renewed spirit in art sparked


50 Life & Leisure Daily life is hard in Russia Holidays
Some are becoming prosperous Many live in crowded apartments Many cannot afford prices charged for certain goods People enjoy professional sports, playing chess, and attending concerts, ballet, & theater Holidays May Day- Soviet holiday Since the fall of the Soviet Union traditional religious holidays



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