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The Science of Biology.

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1 The Science of Biology

2 What is biology? Biology is the study of living things. bios = life
- ology = study of

3 Branches of Biology

4 Some branches of biology that we will study are:
cytology – the study of cells cyte = cell

5 histology – the study of tissues histo = tissue

6 microbiology – the study of unicellular organisms micro = tiny uni = one

7 4. Botany – the study of plants

8 5. Zoology – the study of animals zoa = animal

9 6. Genetics – the study of how genes are passed from one generation to the next (heredity)

10 7. anatomy – the study of the structure of a living thing

11 8. physiology – the study of the functions of those structures

12 9. ecology – study of how organisms interact with one another and their environment

13 10. molecular biology – the study of the molecules that lake up living things and the chemical activities of those molecules

14 In your notebook, list 5 reasons why we study biology...

15 Reasons Why We Study Biology
As a way to help humans live longer, healthier lives Knowledge - pleasure of learning about living things Curiosity of ourselves To understand our place and the impact of humans on our living world To understand and control our future

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