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Miss Parish Miss Green Mr. Ranger

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1 Miss Parish Miss Green Mr. Ranger
Welcome SS Miss Parish Miss Green Mr. Ranger Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

2 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

3 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Our ROOTS Respect all people, animals and the environment. Overcome challenges and never give up. Open our minds to creativity and curiosity. Take care of our bodies and our minds. Speak kindly and listen to others. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

4 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Yellow and Red Leaves Warning. Not following our ROOTS. Still not making the right choices. 5 minutes in Reflection. DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

5 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
House Point System Green Yellow Blue Children are awarded house points for showing an exceptional effort for following our Roots and Values. Sports day will be divided into these houses. House competitions once a term. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Protective Hands Every child has a protective hand. We all have the right to feel safe. Nothing is so awful that you can’t talk to someone about it. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Worry Box Every class has one. Children are encouraged to share their worries. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Safeguarding Safeguarding lead: Tara Lovelock Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Bullying If you have concerns that your child is being bullied, please make an appointment with your class teacher. All worries will be taken seriously and investigated. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Our expectations Correct uniform Come to school prepared Children to read at home everyday Reading journal in school every day PE Kit in school for PE days DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

11 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Uniform Black/Grey trousers/skirt. Black shoes White or blue shirt/polo Navy blue cardigan/jumper No bracelets/necklaces. Earrings must be studs, not hooped. DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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PE Kit PE navy blue trousers/shorts Navy blue t shirt Trainers for outdoor PE Outdoor navy jumper Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

13 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Communication Parent Mail – ensure you are registered. Home reading journal. Call office to make appointment. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

14 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Home learning Spellings – test each Monday KIRFs – Every half term Home learning – Every half term and this is project based Children present home learning to the class Verbal feedback from class teacher and peers Participation certificates Winner is not necessarily the best SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

15 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Reading at home Every day. Even 10 minutes is beneficial. If they get stuck on a word – ask them to sound it out. Ask comprehension questions, discuss what they liked or didn’t like. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

16 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
This half term Fire and Festivals: Finding out about the Great Fire of London Learning about Samuel Pepys Finding out about festivals of light. We will be writing diary entries and recounts. DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

17 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
The rest of the year: Masterchef: Finding out about where our food comes from. Reading ‘The Rascally Cake’ and ‘War and Peas’. Learning about food safety and hygiene. Having a class vs class masterchef competition. Creating foodscapes in art. Writing sets of instructions, stories and information texts. DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

18 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
The rest of the year: Mary Anning Meets The Dinosaurs: Finding out about dinosaurs, their extinction and about fossils. Finding out about Mary Anning Reading ‘Stone Girl Bone Girl’ Writing stories and an information guide for the museum. DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

19 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
The rest of the year: Green Fingers: Comparing gardens in the Victorian era to gardens today. Designing our own garden and thinking about which plants would grow well. Finding out about what plants need to grow. Looking at different types of gardens. Reading ‘The Selfish Giant’ by Oscar Wilde. Writing poetry and setting descriptions. DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

20 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
The rest of the year: Explorers: Finding out about Frances Drake and Christopher Columbus. Discovering how explorers navigated the globe. Reading ‘The Snail and the Whale’. Writing letters, stories and poetry about the sea. DM Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

21 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Maths in Year 2 We teach maths daily. We use apparatus almost every day. We teach correct vocabulary. You can help by: Practising fluency using KIRFs. Supporting your child with KIRFs at home. Pointing out opportunities for maths in everyday life. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

22 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Phonics We use Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc Phonics. Daily 30 minute phonics lessons. Children learn new sounds. Spellings will be linked to their sounds. They learn to ‘blend’ the sounds into words. We also focus on comprehension and spelling. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Year 2 Expectations Please see hand out. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Assessment No more levels Children either work below, at or above national expectations. Year 2 SATs will take place in Summer 2. These will be done in small groups – the children will not be aware that they are doing them. Children who did not achieve the pass mark in the Year 1 Phonics Screening will retake the screening in the Summer. SS Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

25 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Your Child’s Progress Parents evenings Autumn term, 11th and 13th of October and in Spring term. In the second summer term written reports will be issued to parents. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

26 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Inclusion manager Welcome Miss Segui Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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