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Annoyances and Gripes.

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Presentation on theme: "Annoyances and Gripes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annoyances and Gripes

2 What are some of your bad habits?
What are some good habits to have? What are good study habits? What are bad study habits? What good habits do you most admire? Do you spit on the street? Do you throw rubbish on the street? Do you smoke at public places? Do you sleep in class? Are you extremely lazy? Does your mother or father have any bad habits? Do other people's bad habits get on your nerves? Have you been successful in getting rid of a bad habit?

3 What is the “last straw”? Why is this the “last straw”?
What annoys you? Do you have any pet peeves? When was the last time somebody offended you? What happened? What is some common behavior that you often find offensive? Why? What are some bad cell phone manners or habits? What annoys you most about living at home with your family? Do you think you have habits that annoy other people? Does it annoy you when people kiss in public? Do you get annoyed when someone cuts in front of you when you are waiting in line? What annoying habits does your best friend have? What table manners or eating styles make you frown or annoy you?

4 Let Vs. Make !!! What does your boyfriend let you do?
What does your boyfriend make you do?

5 The Rules! Which verbs do you use to+verb? <want, get, tell, ask> You _________ someone to do something. Which verbs do you use object+verb? <let, make,help,have> You _________ someone to something.

6 Verb + object + infinitive – Let, make and have.
My parents won’t let me stay out late. Can you let me use the car tonight? They make me come home before 11. Do you make your kids do any chores? I have them do their homework before dinner. Can I have her call you back?

7 Verb + object + to-infinitive (to + verb) – Get, want, ask & tell.
I can’t get them to clean their rooms. I ask them to drive me everywhere. My parents want me to study law. My students are always telling me to slow down.

8 What does your boyfriend let you do ?
He lets me annoy him, tickle him, see other men ;-) etc ... What does your boyfriend make you do? He makes me clean his room. What an … !$%&

9 Let I let him / her = I give him / her permission.(allow)
A. What won’t your parents let you do? B. My parents won’t let me stay out late. What do your parents let you do? My parents let me use their car on weekends. What does your sibling let you do? She lets me wear her clothes.

10 Make I make him / her = He / She has to .. I force him / her.
What does your English conversation teacher make you do? He makes us visit him twice a semester for a chit-chat. Does your mother make you do chores? Yes, she does. I’m made to do(wash) the dishes.

11 Have/had I have him / her = I ask him/her and he / she does the action. What’s something you have someone do? I have my sister look after my dog while I’m away. What’s something your mum has your dad do? My mum has my dad pick up the paper on his way home.

12 Get / got I get him / her to = I persuade him / her.
What’s something someone gets you to do on the weekend? My mum gets me to tidy up my room. A. What’s something your teacher got you to do + <time>? B. My teacher got me to give a speech in front of the whole school.

13 Customer complaints You should let me … I want to … Could I … Would you …

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