Are soap operas a good way to deal with moral issues?

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Presentation on theme: "Are soap operas a good way to deal with moral issues?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are soap operas a good way to deal with moral issues?
You will be able to: All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap opera (L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5) Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6)

2 What is the soap opera? All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap opera (L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5) Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6) You will need to do redo the hyperlinks I think – all tunes are mp3 and are in the folder

3 What do we mean by soap operas?
How would you define the term? A soap opera is… “a television or radio drama serial dealing typically with daily events in the lives of the same group of characters.” All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap opera (L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5) Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6)

4 What are the key features of a soap opera?
All: List key features of a soap opera Most: Give examples for each feature Some: say if you think soap operas make good or bad TV. Explain your view. Never ending storylines. Open endings- 'cliff-hangers'. Multiple Plots and Characters. Moral nature of storylines. Storylines based on personal and family relationships. Social and domestic settings - e.g. shops, pubs, homes, motels etc. potential for unlimited storylines. Strong Female Characters. Any others? All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap opera (L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5) Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6)

5 Moral issues in soap operas
Moral issues: issues on which people have different beliefs about what is right or wrong. They are often controversial. What moral issues have we considered? All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap opera (L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5) Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6)

6 Issues and religious people in soap operas
Euthanasia Homosexuality Dot’s homophobia Ethel confides in Dot Syed’s turmoil Sophie and Sian go to church Are soap operas a good way to deal with such issues? The actress explains Syed’s turmoil part 2- Eastenders syed reveals he is gay Ethel confides in Dot – eastenders Sophie and sian 15 nov – coronation st Religious characters All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap opera (L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5) Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6)

7 Agree? They reach millions of people The issues discussed may offend peole They get people talking They talk about real life issues They are made up stories/characters so are meaningless They talk about topical/relevant issues so are meaningful They show different view points They can exaggerate, In some counties soap operas are used by governments to raise awareness of issues e.g. AIDS. I think that is important They are broadcast at peak times Documentaries are a better way of dealing with such issues Your view? I think soap operas are /are not a good way to deal with moral /religious issues because Someone who disagrees with me may say...... All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap operas(L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5 Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6)

8 Issues and religious people in soap operas
What if ? Dot refused to help Ethel ? Syed’s family were more accepting ? All: Choose one scenario and write an alternative ending Most: Choose one scenario and write an alternative ending explaining what happens to each character Some: Aim to include dialogue in your work All: Describe how a moral issue is dealt with in a soap operas(L4) Most: Explain how some moral issues have been dealt with in soaps and give your view on their effectiveness (L5) Some: Evaluate the effectiveness of soap operas in dealing with moral issues (L6)

9 Your soap opera Name of your soap opera Moral issue you deal with
Moral issue you deal with Location/setting of soap opera Key characters names Characters involved Setting/location Background music/ sounds, any special effects? Any other information Name, looks. picture likes dislikes, religion, family, job , any other info

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