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A methodology for analyzing NON-FICTION texts

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1 A methodology for analyzing NON-FICTION texts
SOAPSTone A methodology for analyzing NON-FICTION texts

2 SOAPSTone is an acronym (sort of) for …
Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Speaker Tone

3 SOAPSTone Historical documents Letters Online articles Blogs/essays
Is a methodology for evaluating and understanding non-fiction pieces such as Historical documents Letters Online articles Blogs/essays Speeches Biographies Documentaries

4 Subject What is the general topic, content, or idea contained in the text? Summarize the text in a couple of sentences.

5 Occasion Time the text occurred
What is the setting—the context in which the primary source was created? Presidential inauguration speech Personal letter Sermon Charity fundraiser Pep talk Sports blog Etc.

6 Audience To whom is this document directed? For whom was it written?
The audience may be one person, a small group, or a large group.

7 Purpose (What is the author’s goal?)
Purpose of the author Effect on the audience! To inspire to action To elicit emotion To inform, educate To honor, memorialize To entertain What is the reason behind the text? Why was it written? What goal did the author have in mind?

8 Speaker (Author) The voice that is ‘speaking’, the identity of the historical person (or group of people) who created the primary source. What do we know about this historic or contemporary person? What role does s/he play in an historic event? In NON-fiction, the speaker is almost always the author.

9 Tone What is the attitude expressed by the speaker?
Examine the choice of words, emotions expressed, imagery used to determine the speaker's attitude.

10 Subject Pick three subjects the author writes about and create a sentence for each that reveals the author’s message about the subject. Example from Romeo and Juliet: Subject: hatred Message: Unexamined hatred has far-reaching consequences, often affecting the lives of innocent victims.

11 Occasion Find two specific pieces of evidence that establish the occasion of the work. Below each piece of evidence, explain how the passage reveals the occasion for which the passage was written.

12 Audience How do you know who the audience is?
Discuss how the writer demonstrates understanding of the audience and how he or she uses that understanding to accomplish his or her goals. Use specific textual references to back your claims.

13 Purpose How is the purpose revealed in the text?
Explain your reasoning by using references to the text.

14 Speaker Find three specific passages that establish the writer as a trustworthy and/or qualified speaker. Below each quote, explain how the passage establishes the writer’s credibility and/or authority.

15 Tone Identify 2 tones the author creates in the text.
For each tone, find one example from the text illustrating the tone. Examine the choice of words, emotions expressed, and imagery used. Explain how the tones affect the effectiveness of the passage.

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