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Abridge (v) To make shorter.

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Presentation on theme: "Abridge (v) To make shorter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abridge (v) To make shorter.
Link: a bridge (A bridge makes Your trip shorter) Synonyms: Shorten, condense, abbreviate

2 Adherents (n) a follower, supporter; (adj) attached, sticking to
Link: (to add to) Synonym: disciple, advocate After using many sticky adherents to tack the pictures to the family tree, the girl realized she forgot to add her aunts.

3 Altercation (n.) an angry argument
I knew I should have picked more responsible friends! What did I get myself into? Synonyms: Quarrel, dispute, squabble The bride and groom had an altercation at the alter because the best man forgot the rings.

4 Cherubic (adj.) resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face. Link: Church Synonyms Angelic, seraphic, beatific The angelic cheerleader had a cherubic face.

5 Condone (v.) to pardon or overlook.
Synonyms: Ignore, wink at, turn a blind eye to Listening to loud music at 3:00 a.m., throwing wild parties, and installing a swimming pool on your balcony is not behavior that is condoned when living in a condo.

6 Dissent (v.) to disagree, (n.) disagreement
Link: to diss After their dissent about the Cubs and the White Sox Moira dissed Angela by slamming her locker and walking away. Synonym: differ, dispute

7 Eminent (adj.) famous, outstanding, distinguished: projecting
Link: Eminem Eminem is a rapper that some would consider to be eminent because of his large amount of fans. Synonyms: illustrious, renowned

8 Exorcise (v.) to drive out by magic, to dispose of something troublesome
Link: Exorcist The contestants on the Biggest Loser plan to exorcise their fat cells by exercising. Synonym: expel, dispel

9 Fabricate (v.) to make, manufacture, or invent
Link: you use fabric to fabricate I used fabric to fabricate my Halloween costume. Synonym: put together, devise, contrive, concoct

10 Irate (adj.) angry Link: I HATE…
I’m IRATE because I HATE that my mom made me eat broccoli. Synonym: incensed, infuriated, enraged,livid

11 Marauder (n.) A raider, plunderer
Link: rauder The MARAUDER stole a motor boat! Synonym: looter, pirate freebooter

12 Obesity (n.) Excessive fatness
Link: A big city There are many tasty restaurants in a big city, dining at them too often may lead to Obesity. Synonym: seriously overweight, extreme corpulence

13 Pauper (n.) an extremely poor person
Soda pop executives have become paupers after marketing turkey flavored pop. Synonym: destitute person

14 Pilfer (v.) to steal in small quantities
Some people get a thrill from pilfering from popular stores. Synonym: filch, rob, swipe, purloin

15 Rift (n.) a split, break, breach
A rift in a raft can lead it to sink! Synonym: crack, fissure, gap, cleft

16 What is the biggest celebrity rift you can recall?

17 Semblance (n.) A likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition
Link: resemblance There is some semblance between pet owners and their pets. You may have a resemblance to a Chihuahua or a poodle. Synonym: appearance, air, aura, veneer, facade

18 Surmount (v.) to overcome, rise above
Link: Mountain We surmounted the mountain by making it to the peak in under 12 hours. Synonym: conquer, triumph over

19 Terminate (v.) to bring to an end
Link: Terminator The Terminator put an end to the bad guy’s reign of terror. Now, Arnold Schwarzenegger is known as the “Governator.” Synonym: conclude, finish, discontinue

20 Trite (adj.) commonplace; overused, stale
The word “like” has become trite. It is used far too often as a pause in between statements which is not the word’s intended purpose. Synonym: banal, hackneyed, corny

21 Usurp (v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right
You work hard to earn a higher level position at the office only to have the position usurped by the boss’s son. Synonym: seize illegally, commandeer, supplant

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