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Learn from the questions asked by your peers.

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1 Learn from the questions asked by your peers.
ASK an Expert Responds Learn from the questions asked by your peers.

2 Which Chart Should I Use?
Q: We wanted to create a chart to show P&L (basically just a way to reflect gross revenue expenses and net revenue over 5 years). What's the best chart to use for this? Puja

3 Which Chart Should I Use?
Q: I work for a nonprofit organization and I am trying to show how the components of revenue have changed compared to the components of expense over the last six years. It seems like a stacked bar chart (with one bar for revenue and one bar for expense for each year) would be best. Do you have a better idea? Steven

4 Marimekko Charts (Sorting)
Q: One thing that I cannot figure out how to do is to customize the order of the segments within each column in a marimekko. For example, we always want to show our company on the bottom of each column and Other at the top with the other categories sorted. How do I do that? Michael

5 Marimekko Charts (Sorting)
Q:I’d like to create a marimekko, sorted largest-to-smallest, with a specific series plotted last. How do I plot a particular series last so that, in each bar, the largest value is plotted first (bottom) and a values in a distinguished series are plotted last (top)? Kurt

6 Marimekko Charts (Bar Width)
Q: Can you tell me if there is a way to make all of the bars in a Marimekko chart even? For example, I have 4 bars in my chart and I want them to be the same width. Meagan

7 Marimekko Charts (Coloring)
Q: I am trying to create chart where the size of the rectangle is the relative asset size of a category and then the color of the rectangle is representative of the net flow within the category (ranging from dark red for the most negative value, to dark green for the most positive value). Christopher

8 Bar Mekko Charts (Coloring)
Q: Is there a way to automatically color each bar in a Bar Mekko chart? I have a cost curve with dozens of bars and I'd like for each to be a different color. However, I don't want to have to click on each individual bar and change the color of the segment. Tedd

9 Cascade Charts Q: Can I reverse the x-axis on a cascade chart? I want to show the waterfall declining from a full market view to an addressable market view. So I cannot have the chart 'grow' taller. Jason

10 Cascade Charts (Coloring)
Q: I am looking for a way to be able to set default colouring in cascade charts so that the colours match our company colour scheme. We would like for the total cascade bars to default to a dark grey, the increases in the cascade to show as a tan/gold and then any decreases to show as a light grey. Siobhan

11 Bar Charts (Data Structure)
Q: I've often had to build charts that had different labels for each stack, whether the data was depicted through multiple 100% stacked bars or marimekkos. Is there an easy way for me to have data points link to different labels? Daniel

12 Bar Charts (Clustering)
Q: Is there a way to create a stacked cluster chart? Andrew

13 Bar Charts (Total CAGR)
Q: How do I add a total CAGR to a stacked bar chart? I have a CAGR for each of the series but cannot get an overall total. Alex

14 Resources Learn Ask Connect Mekko Graphics Toolbar
Training videos Chart Gallery Presentations Chart Selection Toolkit Strategy Consultant’s Toolkit Chart of the Week Build Your CQ Blog FAQs Palettes

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