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Management Structures

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1 Management Structures
Chapter 11 Management Skills Management Structures Section Management Functions Section Management Hiring

2 Management Functions Objectives Name the three functions of management
Describe the management techniques used by effective managers Explain how to manage employees properly Marketing Essentials Chapter 11, Section 11.2

3 Best Companies to Work For
Watch the video on the Best companies to work for (next slide). As you view, list some of the top reasons you see/hear on why these are voted best place to work in your note packet

4 Best Places to Work

5 Why the Best Success built on meritocracy (rewarded for work)
Strong Emphasis on teamwork Social Activities Mission Driven Competitive Pay & Benefits Communication Great Managers Career Advancement Opportunities Great Training Programs Great Employees

6 Three Key Factors of Great Companies
Mission Statements Great Managers Great Employees

7 Mission Driven Mission Statement: is a statement which is used to communicate the purpose of an organization All Goals, Objectives, plans and functions of a business are geared toward meeting the mission statement of the company A well-developed mission statement is a great tool for understanding, developing, and communicating fundamental business objectives, and should be expressed in just a paragraph or twoI. If you read it out loud, it should take about 30 seconds. Should answer questions people have about your business, like: Who is your company? What do you do? What do you stand for? And why do you do it? Do you want to make a profit, or is it enough to just make a living? What markets are you serving, and what benefits do you offer them? Do you solve a problem for your customers?

8 Mission Driven Do you think these businesses are doing everything to meet these statements: Amazon: “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices.” Google: “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Walmart - “We save people money so they can live better.”

9 Great Managers Managers: are leaders to an organization that make decisions, supervise and direct the actions of others, communicate to employees, and motivating people among many other things

10 Mission Statement Assignment

11 Management as an Art “Art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups Art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals can co-operate towards attainment of group goals “Art of knowing what to do, when to do and see that it is done in the best and cheapest way”.

12 Basic Management Functions
All managers perform certain basic functions: Planning Organizing Controlling

13 Management Functions planning X setting goals and determining how to reach them Short and long term goals and how the people, technology, and material resource will be used to reach goals

14 Management Functions Organizing X involves establishing a time frame in which to achieve the goal through: Assigning responsibility Establishing working relationships Hiring staff to carry out the work Directing the work of employees

15 Management Functions Controlling X is the process of comparing what you planned with the actual performance. It involves: Setting standards Evaluating performance according to those standards Solving any problems revealed by the evaluation

16 Other Management functions
Informational activities - constantly has to receive and give information orally or in written form to all levels (supervisors & line staff) Decisional activities - managers are continuously involved in decisions Inter-personal activities - managers have to interact with superiors as well as the sub-ordinates and maintain good relations with them.

17 Workplace Culture Assignment

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