Northwest ISD Elementary and Secondary Education

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Presentation on theme: "Northwest ISD Elementary and Secondary Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Northwest ISD Elementary and Secondary Education 2017-2018

2 Northwest ISD Elementary Education 2017-2018

3 NISD Strategic Framework 2018-2022

4 Operational Goal 1 Northwest ISD will design dynamic learning experiences to ensure that all students are future-ready learners. We will increase the number of students identified as reading on or above grade level in grades K-3 through an aligned emphasis of professional development, curriculum development and alignments, and performance monitoring tools intended to meet the goals set forth in the NISD Profile of a Graduate.

5 A Continued Focus on Early Literacy
Balanced Literacy focus: Workshop Model Guided Reading Small Group Instruction Skills Block Reading Conferences Student Goal Setting Readers’ Response Journals Feedback

6 A Continued Focus on Early Literacy
Professional Learning: Guided Reading Small Group Instruction Skills Block Literacy Institute Mega & Micro Labs Learning Cycles (Fall & Spring ELA Focus)

7 Learning Cycles Process
Campus Leaders engage in Learning Cycles throughout the year to strength Instructional Leadership and pedagogy. Learning Teams consist of principals, assistant principals and teacher leaders from the 4-5 schools that comprise the Learning team. During each Learning Cycle, members on the Learning Team visit classrooms across two schools and collect evidence of exemplar teaching and learning.

8 Learning Teams 3 mins each person Michael
Schools with similar demographics are able to discuss student learning needs relevant to their population and target areas of focus for the learning cycle. 3 mins each person Michael Learning Teams collect evidence of exemplars based on the team’s look-fors to share with their staff.

9 Teachers play a vital role in these discussions.
Learning Teams Deep discussions about the effectiveness of curriculum implementation and student outcomes takes place across the Learning Team and within individual school teams. Teachers play a vital role in these discussions. 3 mins each person Michael

10 Fall and Spring ELA Learning Cycles
Focus on Balanced Literacy: Guided Reading Instruction Skills block / Word Work Student Goal Setting Progress Monitoring Feedback

11 Learning Teams 3 mins each person Michael
I appreciated the honesty and the trust that was shared. Everyone was open and honest about great things they saw at our school, as well as things that we could improve on. I appreciated the fact that we were able to leave with next steps. That gave me a focus and a sense of direction upon returning to my team. --Teacher Leader 3 mins each person Michael

12 Learning Teams I appreciate the trust and collaborative nature of the team. We all come in with open minds and are able to learn and grow together. It builds a learning network that extends outside of those meeting times. --AP

13 Learning Teams 3 mins each person Michael
We spent time on my campus and received some great feedback from those who attended the learning walks that will help us moving forward. I am thankful for a positive, solution focused culture that the learning walks help provide on all of our campuses. It is without doubt, the best professional learning I have had in a long time and makes me a better leader for my students and teachers! --Principal 3 mins each person Michael

14 End of Year DRA Data Kinder: 88% First: 83% Second: 84% Third: 82%
% at End of Year Goal Kinder: 88% First: 83% Second: 84% Third: 82%

15 % Making At Least 1 Year’s Growth
End of Year DRA Data % Making At Least 1 Year’s Growth Kinder: 86% First: 91% Second: 89%

16 Fifth Grade ~ STAAR Approaches Standard

17 Fifth Grade ~ STAAR Meets Standard

18 Fifth Grade ~ STAAR Mastered

19 Cohort Comparison~ STAAR

20 Cohort Comparison~ STAAR

21 Accomplishments National Schools of Character (2)
Leader in Me Schools (2) Schools Transforming Learning (3)

22 Challenges Fast Growth Changing Demographics Varying needs of students
New Students New Teachers Changing Demographics Varying needs of students

23 On The Horizon Lucy Calkins Reading Units of Study will be added to our curriculum in 3rd (K-3) Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study will be added to our curriculum in K-4 A Balanced Literacy Committee is currently engaged in incorporating all of the components of Balanced Literacy while creating a phonics training that will be taught to every K-2 teacher in the district. This training will build on the foundation of phonemic awareness, phonemes, graphemes, word families, morphology and using the district resource to best meet the needs of students. 

24 Northwest ISD Secondary Education 2017-2018

25 NISD Strategic Framework 2018-2022

26 Strategic Goal 1 Students will achieve success through meaningful learning experiences, innovative pathways, and personalized opportunities. To continue to improve alignment of instruction and student success with the Profile of a Graduate through increased opportunities, participation, and performance in all areas of academics by enhancing the curriculum and resources in order to improve relevance and the overall learning experience for every student.

27 Advanced Academics: Advanced Placement (AP)
AP Scholars- Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. AP Scholars with Honors- Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. AP Scholars with Distinctions- Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.

28 Advanced Academics: Advanced Placement (AP)
National AP Scholars- Granted to students in the United States who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams. National Hispanic Recognition Program- Granted to students in the United States who 1. Earn a cumulative GPA or 3.5 or higher; and 2. Achieve the minimum required PSAT/NMSQT score for SW Region; and 3. Qualify as at least one-quarter Hispanic or Latino descent.

29 Advanced Academics: Advanced Placement (AP)

30 Advanced Academics: Advanced Placement (AP)

31 Advanced Academics: AP Scholars

32 Advanced Academics: US News & World Report
Reading STAAR Proficiency– 97% Mathematics STAAR Proficiency– 100%

33 Advanced Academics: Dual Credit Enrollment

34 Advanced Academics: DC vs. AP

35 Advanced Academics: AVID Enrollment

36 Career & Technical Education: Academy Capacity Study
Opportunity Capacity (Individual Student) Seat Capacity (Enrolled in >1 Course) STEM Academy 73% 95% Creative Media Productions 94% Biomedical Innovations 87% Culinary Academy 86% Cosmetology 75% Business Academy 80% 90% Aviation Academy

37 Career and Technical Education: Industry Certifications

38 2018-2019 Professional Learning & Resources
Administrators continue to deepen their instructional content knowledge and pedagogy. Campus Leaders will engage in a Learning Cycle throughout the year that includes opportunities for leaders to work with a cohort Learning Team engaged in thoughtful analysis of instruction and learning across the district.

39 Extracurricular & Co-Curricular: Fine Arts Participation Rates

40 Extracurricular & Co-Curricular: Fine Arts Participation Rates

41 Extracurricular & Co-Curricular: Fine Arts
Accomplishments Northwest ISD has been named one of the “Best Communities for Music Education in America” for the past 9 years.

42 Extracurricular & Co-Curricular: Fine Arts
Accomplishments Scholarships 27 NISD seniors were honored at a FA Scholarship Breakfast who were offered more than $3.5 Million in scholarships.

43 Extracurricular & Co-Curricular: Athletics
Athletics Participation Rates Middle School Pike- 62% Medlin 57% Wilson 61% CTMS 54% Tidwell 58% High School BNHS 35% EHS 38% NHS 36% Accomplishments 55 College Signees

44 On the Horizon Continued focus on access and performance in
advanced academics PLC focus on formative data analysis and interventions HS AVID 3 Rollout Secondary KickStart Camps

45 Northwest ISD Elementary and Secondary Education 2017-2018

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