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Imperialists Divide Africa

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1 Imperialists Divide Africa
Ignoring the claims of African ethnic groups, kingdoms, and city- states, Europeans establish colonial claims.

2 Africa Before Imperialism
1,000 different languages Divided into hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups As of 1880, Europeans only controlled 10% land, mainly on coasts Europeans could not navigate inland on the rivers b/c of rapids, cataract, changing flows Steam-powered riverboats allows it later Africans controlled gold and ivory trade networks

3 European Interest in Africa
Explorers, missionaries, and humanitarians opposed to the slave trade penetrated the interior of Africa first

4 The Congo Sparks Interest
1860s David Livingstone, a minister from Scotland, travels with a group of Africans to find the source of Nile Several years pass and is assumed dead 1871 Henry Stanley, American reporter, finds Dr. Livingstone on the shores of Lake Tanganyika “Dr. Livingstone, I presume” is the famous greeting of the American reporter, Stanley, in their famous meeting at Lake Tanganyika Made headlines around the world

5 King Leopold II of Belgium
Stanley set out to explore and trace the Congo River King Leopold of Belgium commissions Stanley to help him obtain land in the Congo Between , Stanley signs treaties with local chiefs in the Congo River valley These treaties gave King Leopold of Belgium control over these lands

6 King Leopold of Belgium in the Congo
Claimed his primary motive was to abolish the slave trade and promote Christianity Instead, he licensed companies that exploited the Africans by forcing them to collect sap from rubber plants Interfered with their own food crops b/c job took so long Forced labor, excessive taxation, abuse of natives Humanitarians demand change and 1908, Belgium gov’t takes control Belgian Congo is 80x larger than Belgium Soon many of the Europeans are claiming parts of Africa also




10 Imperialism The takeover a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, economic, and social life of the people of that nation

11 Motives Driving Imperialism
Size of empire brought a sense of national pride and a measure of “greatness” Europeans believed their race was superior to others: racism Attitude was a reflection of Social Darwinism Applied Charles Darwin’s ideas about evolution to society “Survival of the fittest” Fitted for survival enjoy wealth and were superior to others Non-Europeans were on a lower scale b/c they had not made technological progress From book Indigenous Races of Earth, Illustration deliberately distorts facial and skull features to suggest a close relationship b/n African peoples and chimpanzees.

12 Motive Driving Imperialism
Cultural Motives Missionaries want to Christianize the peoples of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands Want to “civilize” and “westernize” the peoples of foreign lands Rudyard Kipling’s 1899 poem “White Man’s Burden” describes this idea Kipling, age 60, Sept. 27, 1926

13 External Forces Enabling Imperialism
Technological superiority Maxim gun Invented in 1889 First automatic machine gun Railroads, telegraph cables, and steamers Allow for close communications and control easier Cure for malaria Drug quinine Maxim gun, 1895 used 1st by British. Fired 11 bullets per second

14 Internal Forces Africa’s huge variety of languages and cultures
Wars b/n ethnic groups over land, water, and trade routes Europeans play rival groups against each other Didn’t have the weapons and technology

15 Division of Africa “Scramble for Africa” began about 1880
Berlin Conference B/c competition was so fierce and countries feared war Rules for division Any country could claim land by notifying other nations and showing they control the area Divided it without consideration of ethnic groups or languages No African ruler attended By 1914, Ethiopia (fought Italians to the end) and Liberia (US sets up for free slaves) were the only to remain free from European control

16 Demand for Raw Materials
Thought Africans would buy European goods, but were wrong Develop cash-crop plantations Peanuts, palm oil, cocoa, and rubber Displaced food crops Rich minerals: Copper, tin Greatest wealth from gold and diamonds of South Africa

17 Three Groups Clash Over South Africa
Africans Zulus (ethnic group in east) Dutch Boers British Clash over land and resources

18 Zulus Under Shaka ,the Zulu chief, they gained a highly organized central gov’t Highly disciplined warriors and good military organization Later Zulu kings were not able to fight off the British Britain invaded the Zulus Zulus fought with spears and shields 1887 Zulu nation falls to British Control

19 South Africa 1652 Cape Town established by Dutch East India Co. as supply station for ships enroute to Asia Settlers known as “Boers”(means farmer in Dutch) or “Afrikaners” Steady stream of Europeans increase population British take over in which disrupts Afrikan society

20 The Great Trek British rule disrupts Afrikaner society so they “trek” to the northeast to claim new lands Subject to British law & language Slavery abolished in S.Africa in 1833 hurt financially the Afrikan farmer Sometimes violent conflict with natives-the Zulus Leads to the establishment of the Afrikaners free states

21 The Boer War Boers discover diamonds and gold in their new lands
Leads to influx of British settlers White vs. white fighting over the rights to the resource First modern “total” war Some black Africans also served as soldiers and laborers Afrikaners are defeated and British establish the Union of South Africa in 1910 Constitution allowed only white men to vote, so natives had few rights African National Congress founded in 1912 by educated South Africans in an effort to oppose European colonization and policies Boer women and children sent to concentration camps


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