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What’s your VALUE to buyers?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s your VALUE to buyers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s your VALUE to buyers?
Besides giving buyers access to the inventory and actually getting them into the houses they’re interested in What value do YOU provide?

2 Sample Script – Passion and Service
“I’d love to show you properties that fit your criteria and that might meet your needs. . . Let’s meet in my office. I can give you an Executive Summary of what’s available on the market, make note of your key priorities and needs in a home and then we’ll go over and take a look at the property. How’s 6pm tomorrow night or would Wednesday morning be better for you?”

3 Sample Script – Insight on the Market
You know The reason I’m asking you to meet with me is because I can give you insight on this particular market area and town. My customers appreciate that I share with them what’s going on in the market – the inside scoop so to speak. When I took them to look for their home, they were telling ME which properties were overpriced and which ones were the best value because we spent a few minutes discussing pricing, the market and what they could expect in Mountain Lakes. I know this area very well. Can we get together tomorrow at 10 or how’s 6pm on Wednesday?

4 Sample Script – Outperform the Computer
Let me ask you something Have you found when you’re looking on the internet and find a home that looks perfect Price, amenities, location That when you call an office or agent, you find out the house is already under contract? That’s why you need to work with someone like me. A local expert. I find out about houses BEFORE they’re online. I can get you in before you get all the competition of other buyers. Would you find this helpful?

5 Sample Script – Your “Go To” Real Estate Professional
One of the reasons my clients like to meet with me is so that I can better understand their priorities and needs. Once I learn what you’re looking for I can be your eyes and ears in the marketplace. It’s interesting how all the homes people are most interested in get scooped up first, isn’t it? That’s because those buyers have someone who’s looking out for them – who alerts them to properties right away. I’d like to be your ‘Go To’ person when it comes to real estate.”

6 An Executive Summary of the Market
Can you get this from your MLS in a simple print-out/chart? A list of every 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath property in XYZ town Number currently available Number Under Contract in last 30 days Average list price List-to-Sale Price ratio Package your service as unique and targeted to the buyers’ needs

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