A B Which team will win the ‘tug of war’? Choose the team with the highest combined ‘weight’.

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Presentation on theme: "A B Which team will win the ‘tug of war’? Choose the team with the highest combined ‘weight’."— Presentation transcript:

1 A B Which team will win the ‘tug of war’? Choose the team with the highest combined ‘weight’.

2 A B Theresa May Gordon Brown Tony Blair John Major David Cameron Margaret Thatcher What is the combined age (in years) of these Prime Ministers when they first entered No. 10?

3 A B 159 147 Theresa May Gordon Brown Tony Blair John Major David Cameron Margaret Thatcher 59 56 44 47 Theresa May Gordon Brown Tony Blair John Major David Cameron Margaret Thatcher What is the combined age (in years) of these Prime Ministers when they first entered No. 10?

4 A B Labour 2005 Labour 2010 Labour 2015 Conservative 2005 Conservative 2010 Conservative 2015 What is the combined number of parliamentary seats won in these General Elections?

5 A B 845 834 Labour 2005 Labour 2010 Labour 2015 Conservative 2005 Conservative 2010 Conservative 2015 355 258 232 198 306 330 Labour 2005 Labour 2010 Labour 2015 Conservative 2005 Conservative 2010 Conservative 2015 What is the combined number of parliamentary seats won in these General Elections?

6 A B Lib Dems 2010 Lib Dems 2015 Lib Dems 2017 SNP 2010 SNP 2015 SNP 2017 What is the combined number of parliamentary seats won in these General Elections?

7 A B 77 97 Lib Dems 2010 Lib Dems 2015 Lib Dems 2017 SNP 2010 SNP 2015 SNP 2017 Lib Dems 2010 Lib Dems 2015 Lib Dems 2017 SNP 2010 SNP 2015 SNP 2017 57 8 12 6 56 35 What is the combined number of parliamentary seats won in these General Elections?

8 A B Lib Dems Plaid Cymru Independent Green Sinn Féin DUP What is the combined number of parliamentary seats won in the 2017 General Elections?

9 A B 17 18 Lib Dems Plaid Cymru Independent Green Sinn Féin DUP Lib Dems Plaid Cymru Independent Green Sinn Féin DUP 12 4 1 7 10 What is the combined number of parliamentary seats won in the 2017 General Elections?

10 A B Labour Conservative Plaid Cymru SNP Lib Dems DUP What is the combined number (as a %age of total party seat) of seats won by women in the 2017 General Elections?

11 A B 91 78 Labour Conservative Plaid Cymru SNP Lib Dems DUP 45 21 25 35 33 10 Labour Conservative Plaid Cymru SNP Lib Dems DUP What is the combined number (as a %age of total party seat) of seats won by women in the 2017 General Elections?

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