Write into the Day 7 September 2018

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1 Write into the Day 7 September 2018 Turn your homework into the basket.  You need paper for notes/group activity. How would you define the term 'goals'? What' are your goals for the next timed rhetorical analysis?

2 Definition by Example Essay: Rough Draft will be due Friday, 14 September 2018
WHY DEFINE? Communication depends on a common understanding of language and terminology. A discussion of complex concepts should often begin with definitions of basic terms. What is “democracy”? What is “progress”? Some critics claim rap is not music; to debate that assertion, one needs to define “music.” a dictionary definition is often not enough to explore the scope and significance of the term.  Clear definitions demonstrate a mastery of the subject; they require a writer to use thoughtful precision in choice of words and examples. To make a definition clear and concrete (rather than vague and abstract), one often needs to present examples of situations that demonstrate the nuances of the definition. In learning to develop a definition of a complex concept, you will develop the skills of analysis, clear thinking, and argument.  STRUCTURE: This essay should follow a four-paragraph format. 

3 Definition by Example Essay: Timeline
Monday 10/9/18: MCM Tuesday 11/9/18: I will provide an outline for the 4 paragraphs and you will begin pre-writing/drafting Wednesday 12/9/18 : Picture Day. Group analysis of a 9 RA Thursday 13/9/18 : Half day. Intro to Peer Review guidelines using anchor paper as an example. Friday 14/9/18: Rough draft due printed. Peer Review in class Weekend 15-16/9/18: Revise. Revise. Revise. Monday 17/9/18: MCM (My birthday) Tuesday: Final Draft Due, printed in MLA format

4 Definition Techniques: Brainstorm how you think these technique work
Definition Techniques: Brainstorm how you think these technique work. What would it look like to use these techniques to define the differences between these words?  SYNONYMS > Faith....Creed ANALOGIES ------> Gang....Club NEGATION ------>Imaginative....Fanciful COMPARE/CONTRAST ------> Art....Craft STIPULATION  ------> Lady....Woman CLASSIFICATION ------> Religion....Cult EXAMPLES/ANECDOTES ------> Terrorist....Revolutionary CAUSE/EFFECT ------> Labor....Work

5 You must use 5 questions per word pair.
What are the main difference between the terms? Identify a situation or two which highlights the distinction.  Which term is more important/valuable/ praiseworthy and why? Identify at least two works of literature that apply to the term.  What situations in your own life correspond to the term? Try to place the words into context. In what situation might the definition of this word be important? Is the term more internal or external in motivation? Who benefits from it? Why is it difficult to achieve? When is it challenged? How can you tell when somebody possesses it? Do you possess it? Always? Does Riverdale promote or teach either or both of these? How? Wisdom. . .Knowledge Zeal. . . Enthusiasm Community. . .Society Reverence. . .Respect

6 Homework: Finish brainstorming. AT LEAST 5 questions per word pair.
Do not start writing your paper yet.  Come back with your chosen word. 

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