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Tips and Guidelines for MASS AVE SKATE PARK PROPOSALS…

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Presentation on theme: "Tips and Guidelines for MASS AVE SKATE PARK PROPOSALS…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips and Guidelines for MASS AVE SKATE PARK PROPOSALS…
Writing Proposals. Tips and Guidelines for MASS AVE SKATE PARK PROPOSALS…

2 Basic Questions to Answer…
Why? What? How? Who? Where? How long? How much?

3 Executive Summary Most Important Part of the Proposal
1st impression Written last Concise Description Identify Expected Outcomes

4 Objectives Expected Outcomes of the Project Create short and long-term
Answer What you will do For whom How much By when

5 Methods Critical Part Longest Part Plan of Action
Starts with overall approach Relevance Effectiveness Innovativeness

6 Evaluation Describe the Means Benchmarks for Success
Purpose of Evaluation Data Needed How Reported

7 Qualifications Success of the Project Related Experience Facilities
Equipment Available Any Consultants GIVE EVIDENCE

8 Timetable How Long? Specific Tasks Milestone Charts
Components and Dates

9 Budget Show Annual and Overall Cost Detailed Budget
Salaries Facilities Experience Narrative Alongside Look up and Follow Specific Forms

10 Proposals End in Mind… Mayor is the Audience Formality of Forms
Method Conscious Begin to have a Presentation in Mind.

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