Becoming The Bank With your IRA.

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming The Bank With your IRA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming The Bank With your IRA


3 Who we are We’ve been active investors for 20+ years
We have operated a successful private mortgage lending business since 2011 We have a combine mortgage lending experience of 50+ years Licensed real-estate broker in two states for 30 years We’ve been active investors for 20+ years We have managed a private pool mortgage fund for accredited investors since 2014

4 Finance Basics, Borrower Risk

5 Finance Basics,Collateral

6 Lowest Risk to Highest Owner- occupied single family
Single purpose commercial or raw land



9 Why is lending from your IRA beneficial?
You control the asset without being responsible for it Lets start with taxes It’s more Liquid Lower risk

10 Who do I lend to? Someone you Know, Like & Trust Legal Entity
Not family

11 OPM Other Peoples Money How Much Money Do I Need? Not much-Arbitrage

12 What Documents should I use?
Hazard or builders risk insurance Assignment of rents Get title insurance Use an attorney

13 How Do I Conduct Due Diligence?
Borrower Property Appraisal subject to completion & as is How Do I Conduct Due Diligence? Credit & background check Entity documentation Validate repair cost Identification proof Income & assets Inspection

14 Who Services The Loan? You can pay a servicer Charge a late fee
You collect

15 How Do I handle Rehab Funds?
Inspections every time Released in arrears Separate account

16 How Do I Come Up With a Payoff?
Principle and interest Interest only Use the Bret Whistle calculator How Do I Come Up With a Payoff? Loan amount plus unpaid interest

17 Rinse & repeat everything
How Can I Do This Again? Rinse & repeat everything

18 For the slide notes & sample lender doc’s
Questions? Text: Quest Expo To: 39492 For the slide notes & sample lender doc’s

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