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Welcome to Cambridge Technical Certificate/Diploma in Business

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1 Welcome to Cambridge Technical Certificate/Diploma in Business
Taster Lesson

2 Introduction We offer a choice of 3 different courses. It is important that you are aware of the differences between them. Cambridge Technical Diploma Worth 2 A Levels (will take up two option blocks) 60% coursework, 40% examination A LEVEL BUSINESS STUDIES 100% examination. You will sit 3 x 3 hour examinations at the end of Year 13. Cambridge Technical Certificate in Business Worth 1 A Level. 60% coursework, 40% examination *You may choose to study Business Studies or Cambridge technical in Business in the Sixth Form even if you did not study GCSE Business.

3 Which course? Business Studies Cambridge Technical in Business
You enjoy learning about real businesses. You would like to develop the knowledge and skills to set up your own business and/or the work in a business. You see yourself studying a business-related course at university. You are considering studying a business-related subject at university or are thinking about an apprenticeship when you leave school. You have strong numeracy and literacy skills. (B grades for GCSE English and Maths) You enjoy and hands-on, practical approach to learning. You enjoy analysing information and data to help make decisions. You work well with others. You like identifying problems and evaluating solutions. You are currently completing the VCERT Business course You prefer examinations to coursework. You prefer to focus on coursework as opposed to examinations.

4 Cambridge Technical in Business
Get into groups of 3 or 4. Read through the task sheet you have been given.

5 Cambridge Technical in Business
The coursework assignments for this course are very practical. You are able to take business concepts and apply them to real-life businesses, while developing essential skills that are required in the workplace. For this lesson you will be thinking of ideas for businesses that you could run within school.

6 Cambridge Technical in Business
In your groups, select a leader. It will be the leader’s responsibility to ensure that each member of the group has a task to complete and is completing it to a high standard.

7 Cambridge Technical in Business
Read through the task sheet and create a spider-diagram on the A3 plain paper to show your different ideas. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your different ideas. Finally have a vote. Which idea will you pursue?

8 Cambridge Technical in Business
When you have decided on your business idea, start the planning process. In your group, answer the questions on the sheet. How will you run your business? When you have answered the questions, use the resources provided to create a display to show the rest of the class what your idea is and how you see it working. Use the task sheet to help you Leaders – allocate tasks to each member of your group.

9 Presentations Now you should show your display to the rest of the group. Briefly explain your idea to them.

10 Any questions?

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