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The Concept of the Noble Savage

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1 The Concept of the Noble Savage
ESL 8 The Last of the Mohicans

2 Directions Each student will create an additional slide on this presentation that illustrates a situation or quote in The Last of the Mohicans that represents the concept of the Noble Savage. The student may add a picture but must not change the format of the presentation or the font. The student must have at least three sentences: the quote in the book with “....” (p. #). as documentation giving the page that exemplifies the Noble Savage idea, in own words how this example demonstrates the concept of The Noble Savage. After examining an example of the Noble Savage, examine the opposite behavior. Find a line and document it. Explain how this is not the action of a noble savage. Give your reaction to both behaviors. Who would you rather be lost in the wood with? Student may not use the same examples.

3 Hannah’s example Define: What is meant by the term, “The Noble Savage”? Who is the noble savage in this book? Give a quote that gives an example of a quality of the noble savage and document. Quote line that is NOT an example of the Noble Savage and document. Explain why this is not What is your reaction to these passages?

4 Samuel’s Example Define: What is meant by the term, “The Noble Savage”? Who is the noble savage in this book? Give a quote that gives an example of a quality of the noble savage and document. Quote line that is NOT an example of the Noble Savage and document. Explain why this is not What is your reaction to these passages?

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