Objective Students will be able to compare series and parallel circuits in order to describe how energy is transferred to produce light.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective Students will be able to compare series and parallel circuits in order to describe how energy is transferred to produce light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective Students will be able to compare series and parallel circuits in order to describe how energy is transferred to produce light

2 Series Duracell

3 Series Duracell

4 Series Duracell

5 Series Duracell

6 Series Duracell

7 Series Duracell Open Circuit!!

8 Parallel

9 Parallel Duracell

10 Parallel Duracell

11 Parallel Duracell

12 Parallel Duracell

13 Parallel Duracell

14 Parallel Two Complete Circuits Duracell

15 Comparison Series Circuit Parallel Circuit Definition Resistance
Examples Only one path for current to flow Multiple paths for current to flow Total resistance increases Total resistance stays same Holiday lights -Household Current

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