Sshrishti Learning Center

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1 Sshrishti Learning Center
Site Visit Report Please include full names of stewards. If there is no secondary steward, ask the Projects Coordinator to assign one. Presentation Guidelines: Please limit the presentation to 10 minutes. We always have a lot to cover in the projects meeting and to do justice to the agenda, it is very important to keep within the time allotted. As you present, keep in mind the time and make it your responsibility to complete your presentation in 10 minutes. After your presentation, we will have minutes for discussion and questions. In our experience, most questions that arise during a presentation are answered in the course of the presentation. Hence, attendees will be encouraged to keep their questions to after the presentation. If a question does come up while you are presenting, ask the volunteer to hang on to the question and bring it up during the QA session. During the QA session, ask your secondary steward to note down any questions that you do not have answers to. After the meeting, find answers to the outstanding questions and get back to the group via . Guidelines for using the template: This template is comprehensive. It lays out all the information we would like to know about a typical project. Do the best you can to find the information from your contacts in India and complete all of the slides. However, some of the information might be difficult to obtain or may not be relevant to the project at hand. In that case, use your judgment in using the template. Note: If you have already presented once and decision was deferred to the next meeting, do not go through the whole presentation again. Use a few of the slides to provide a brief project summary and then move on to address the concerns which prompted deferral of decision. Suggested slides to use: Project Description Project Goals Budget for Requested Funding SWOT Analysis

2 Project Description Location: Kishangarh/Qutab Institutional Area
Area (urban/rural): Urban/Urban village Primary Focus: Primary education Aim: The aim of the organisation is to provide good, quality education to children from slums who would otherwise not be able to get access to such education. Primary Focus refers to the main beneficiaries of the project such as children from slums, children of dalits/tribals, children of migrant workers, children of sex workers, child laborers, children with disabilities, girls, orphans, dropouts etc. Project Type refers to the type of intervention, for example formal school (primary/secondary), pre-primary education, vocational training, remedial education, experimental education, health and cleanliness education, peace education, resource center, community awareness program, fellowship, residential school, orphanage, etc. Purpose of Funding refers to how the funds would be used, for instance infrastructure (building repair, bus, computers, etc.); operating expenses (teacher salaries, food, books, etc.); extra-curricular programs, etc.

3 Project contact: Sanghamitra Bose
Surprise site visit conducted by: Puneet (Asha Berkeley) and Kala (Asha Delhi)

4 Background Parents daily wage/contract laborers, house maids etc
Parent-teacher meeting once a month Charge nominal fees (not so much for sustenance as to make parents feel their children are getting good education) Government schools no good: children would rather spend their time loitering

5 Infrastructure 5 rooms at Shaheed Bhawan ~5 rooms at Kishangarh
Small “Library” + Computer room: 5 really old computers at Shaheed Bhawan, 4 at Kishangarh. Could really use some more. One meal is provided to the students, small kitchen with fridge, stove. Toilets

6 Infrastructure (2)

7 Infrastructure (3)

8 Students Formal education upto class 3, students transfer to govt schools after that ~70 students spread over 4 classes at Shaheed Bhawan ~80 (regular strength 120) over 5 classes at Kishangarh Children very happy to be attending school Given books\uniforms etc at school Sports day, zoo visits etc Remedial classes for students in evening

9 Students (2)

10 Students (3)

11 Teachers 2 teachers (usually 4, 2 had gone for training) + 1 staff at Shaheed Bhawan ~3-4 teachers + 1 staff at Kishangarh Teachers paid regularly, seemed to enjoy teaching

12 Teachers (2)

13 Issues Space is a bit tight.
All students live in Kishangarh, however due to lack of space another center opened at Shaheed Bhawan (provided for free by the war widows association) Bus to ferry the children (expensive!) Fundraising concert to raise money for new premises (Euphoria, spending ~Rs 1M ) Could use some better computers (donate old computers?) Some books shared across students, could use some more


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