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2 What are competencies? Competencies describe the student’s ability to apply basic and other skills in situations that are commonly encountered in everyday life. Emphasize life skills and evaluate mastery of those skills according to actual leaner performance. Competencies consist of a description of the essential skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors required for effective performance of a real-world task or activity. Competencies are essential skills that adults need to be successful members of families, the community, and the workplace.

3 Competency Based Education (CBE)
Assess Participant Needs Evaluate Competency Attainment Select Competencies Target Instruction

4 Competency-based Education Programs
Specific, measurable competency statements. Content based on learner goals (outcomes/competencies). Learner continues in program until demonstrating mastery Use a variety of instructional techniques and group activities Focus on what the learner needs to learn, which is the application of basic skills in a life skills context Use texts, media, and real life materials geared to targeted competencies Provide learners with immediate feedback on assessment performance Pace instruction to learner needs Have learner demonstrate mastery of specified competency

5 Compare and contrast discipline based and competency-based curriculum design
Disciplined-Based Outcomes Content Competencies Objectives Criterion referenced grade Norm referenced grade Objective assessment Subjective assessment Learner centered Teacher centered Integrated learning Passive Learning Androgogy Pedagogy Formative formulation Summative evaluation Learner performance Instructional delivery Skills/performance focus Knowledge/theory focus Outcomes focus Structural /process focus Assessed by performance Assessed by counting Time and sequence derived by assessment Exposed to specific content for pre- assigned time

6 and exceptional performance
Competencies Skills Knowledge Attitudes They enable Students to effectively perform activities to the standard expected They provide a framework for distinguishing between poor performances and exceptional performance

7 Students Core Competencies
Speak English confidently and spontaneously in all classroom situations Listen to, read and view a wide variety of texts that deal with increasingly complex issues and abstract ideas Write and produce a wide variety of texts

8 Managing Self Managing self is associated with self-motivation, a “can-do” attitude, and with students seeing themselves as capable learners. It is integral to self assessment. Students who manage themselves are enterprising, resourceful, reliable, and resilient. They establish personal goals, make plans, manage projects and set high standards. They have strategies for meeting challenges. They know when to lead, when to follow and when and how to act independently This is a complex mixture, students will not exhibit this competency in any consistent manner, their attitudes, understandings and skills will change from day to day, context to context, and situation to situation. Attitude Understanding Skills

9 Standards Standards describe: the goals of schooling
the destinations at which students should arrive at the end of the unit or term. They indicate what students should know and should be able to do at grade 5, grade 9, grade 12. Standards are the WHAT of education while curriculum and instruction are the HOW.”

10 Performance standards.
Kinds of Standards Performance standards. Content standards Content standards indicate what students should know and should be able to do in a particular content or subject area. performance standards measure how well a student's work meets the content standard.

11 The need for standards. Why?
Clarify expectations for the expected results and performance. Help educators plan and carry out instruction and assessment. Provide a clear focus. Are a tool for accountability and quality assurance. Promote equity :every student can achieve high results. Ensure quality instruction through professional development. Provide guidance for teachers. Provide common criteria to assess learning and professional performance. Standards are useful to establish criteria for selection, for certification and for recognition of high levels of performance.

12 Teachers and Standards
What standard(s) are being addressed? What type or format of assessment will be used? Will students have to write a report? Answer multiple-choice questions? Do a project? Respond to a short scenario? make a report? What are the specific skills/knowledge students will have to include in their response to demonstrate that they have learned the content?

13 Levels of Achievement Assessment, evaluation and communication of student achievement and growth are essential parts of the teaching and learning process.” Effective communication allows the student, parents and educators to know the grade level of achievement the student has demonstrated and informs them of the next steps in the student’s learning.

14 1) Listening Competencies
I. General Competencies: 1. Learners develop applying skills and strategies for listening to information in a variety of situations communicated from a variety of sources and speakers for specific purposes. II. Specific competencies: 2.1 Learners will listen attentively to gain, comprehend, interpret and communicate information. 2.2 Learners will listen and respond to instructions to finish a variety of tasks. 2.3 Learners will apply skills and strategies of the process of listening to build up comprehension to listened-to-text.



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