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Jamestown: Planting of English America

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1 Jamestown: Planting of English America

2 Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther Ninety- five Theses (1517) Condemned many practices of the Catholic church Bible, not Church was focus of faith Sparked religious conflict in Europe

3 England’s Imperial Stirrings
Henry VIII Created Anglican Church (Church of England) in 1534 Established England as religious rival to Catholic Spain Queen Elizabeth (ascend to throne 1558) Reinforced Protestant beliefs and opposition to Catholicism Wanted to make England powerful Built up England’s navy Authorized privateers to attack the Spanish to spread Protestantism and gain revenue for England

4 First British Attempts at Colonization
Sir Humphrey Gilbert (1583) Attempted settlements in Newfoundland Sir Walter Raleigh (1585) Roanoke created in NC “Lost” by 1590 “Croatan” Early failures led to creation of joint stock company to fund colony people buy shares of stock in investment allows more money available for exploration

5 England Eclipses Spain
Spanish Armada (1588) Philip II of Spain wanted to restore Catholicism to England Navies fought in English Channel “Protestant Wind” blows and scatters Spanish Navy British defeat Spanish Armada Dutch Independence ( ) Britain supported revolt of Dutch against Spain Treaty of London (1604) Peace established between England and Spain Creates sense of optimism and confidence in England

6 Reasons for Colonies Booming population Land enclosure movement
Raw materials & markets for British industry crop failures, famine, social unrest Spread Protestant Christianity, especially Puritanism Economic depression caused by inflation spurred by influx of gold & silver from the Americas Hampshire, England British population was 3 million in 1500 and increased to 5 million by 1630 Price revolution also undermines traditional landed gentry of England because wealth was no longer determined by control of land. Price of rents were static because they were long term basis, but prices increased rapidly

7 Virginia Company of London
Also known as the London Company King James I gave charter to create a colony Given land between modern NJ & SC Settlers told to find gold or lose funding Guaranteed same rights as Englishmen

8 Jamestown May 24, 1607 Created along James River in Virginia
Poor choice of land – swampy, mosquitoes, bad water Most settlers were “gentlemen” or looking for gold, so could not produce their own food through hunting, fishing or farming Half settlers died in first winter Company kept sending more settlers Captain John Smith “He who shall not work shall not eat” Pocahontas and Powhatan Spared John Smith, but later taken captive Learned English, converted to Christianity

9 The “Starving Time” Winter 1609-1610 440 of 500 settlers died
John Smith gone to England Siege by Powhatans Ate horses, dogs, cats, rats, mice, snakes, boots, shoes, leather and then resorted to cannibalism

10 From John Smith’s reports during the “starving time”:
“Nay, so great was our famine, that a Salvage we slew, and buried, the poorer sort took him up again and eat him, and so did divers one another boiled and stewed with roots and herbs:” “And one amongst the rest did kill his wife, powdered her, and had eaten part of her before it was known, for which he was executed, as he well deserved; now whether she was better roasted, boiled or carbonado'd, I know not, but of such a dish as powdered wife I never heard of.” “Jane” of Jamestown

11 Conflict with Powhatan
Powhatan Confederacy Loosely allied group of tribes Lord De La Warr (1610) sent to defeat Indians First Anglo-Powhatan War (1614) Indian homes & fields burned Ends w/ marriage of Pocahontas to John Rolfe Second Anglo-Powhatan War (1644) Indians try to force whites from land Defeated & banished from their lands 1685 Powhatan considered extinct English win because Indians not united disease destroyed Indian communities

12 Indians in the New World
Ways of life changed Horses led to Indian migration & new hunting opportunities Disease Destroyed entire cultures Eliminated elders & social stability Trade Barter system moved to commercial trade Increased competition between tribes for European goods, especially guns Algonquians United w/ other tribes to increase power against Europeans

13 Tobacco Saves J’town John Rolfe began growing tobacco (1612)
Demand kept settlement going Increased demand for new land Tobacco ruins soil Increased contact/confrontation with Indians Slavery introduced to Virginia (1619) Early on slaves were too expensive Indentured servants used instead Passage over, housing, food & clothing paid for in exchange for labor Contract usually about 7 years Free at end of contract Many died before contract fulfilled Headright system gave 50 acres to anyone who paid for an indentured servant’s passage

14 House of Burgesses Colony established House of Burgesses (1619)
VA Company allowed more relaxed rules to attract settlers House of Burgesses (1619) First elected assembly in America Allowed colonists to make its own laws White, male, landowners could vote King James I tired of VA’s problems 1624 charter revoked & made Virginia a royal colony

15 Bacon’s Rebellion Armed rebellion against VA’s Gov. William Berkeley led by Daniel Bacon Believed gov’t run by wealthy planters wasn’t doing enough to protect frontier settlers from Indian attacks Attacked J’town demanding governor resign Bacon died (dysentery), movement fell apart BUT, planters began to prefer African slaves over indentured servants

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