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MY FIRST MATHS CLASS Isabel Martos Martínez Colegio Herma. Murcia. Maths Bilingual Department.

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Presentation on theme: "MY FIRST MATHS CLASS Isabel Martos Martínez Colegio Herma. Murcia. Maths Bilingual Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 MY FIRST MATHS CLASS Isabel Martos Martínez Colegio Herma. Murcia. Maths Bilingual Department

2 Hello boys and girls! My name is Isabel Martos. I am your English teacher in Maths. I will teach you Bilingüal Maths three times a week.

3 Don´t worry about the Bilingual classes, because I´m going to speak English and Spanish at the same time. Beside this, I will give you a list with the new words that you learn every day. You must keep all the sheets that I give you carefully. You must keep them in a special folder, because you will need them in the future.

4 For this purpose I would like you to make a note of the new words in every day classes.
We will make a list with them Next day I will revise the new vocabulary in class.

5 If you have any doubt, PLEASE, PUT YOUR HAND UP AND ASK ME.
I want you to spend a very good time in Maths classes. I want you to find Maths classes fun.

6 What about the exams? Don´t worry about it. You will always know which English question you are going to study for the exam. In the exam there will be some questions in English and you will answer with NUMBERS, because in a maths exams we always use numbers.

7 INTRODUCE OURSELVES Well, in our FIRST DAY we are going TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES As you know, my name is Isabel Martos and I am your new Bilingual teacher in Maths. WHAT´S YOUR NAME?

Well, you have been studying Maths since you were in Primary school, haven´t you? Every year you have studied similar things in Maths, and you have learnt only a very few new things. This year is the same. We are going to review most of the things that you have learnt in Primary school and new things too, because you are in Secondary.

9 In each lesson I am going to explain several type of exercises and we will work these exercises during a week in our bilingual classes.

10 We are going to learn the vocabulary related to the type of exercise and we are going to learn sentences related to the subject like: Let´s check the exercises Have you done the exercises? Why did not you do the exercises? Does anyone have something to check? Could you tell me the last exercise we did yesterday?


12 MATHS CLASS: daily vocabulary
GREETING Good Morning! How are you? I´m fine, thank you How is the day going? What about the day? How was the day? Are you tired? Have you had taken a good breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You need to get enough energy to start the daily work.

13 AKS FOR EXERCISES Come to the board, please Let´s do some exercises Any volunteer to check the exercises? Let´s check the exercises Have you done the exercises? Why did not you do the exercises? Does anyone have something to check?

14 Could you tell me the last exercise we did yesterday?
Which exercise did we do yesterday? Which was the last exercise we did yesterday? If you don´t do the exercises, you will get a bad mark To work out a question Write down the solution Dou you know the answer?

15 DOUBTS AND QUESTIONS Has everyone got the Maths book? Where is your Maths book? Did you understand the exercises I explained yesterday? If you pay attention, I will repeat the exercise. Do you understand? Does anyone have any question?

16 If you have any question, please, put your hand up and ask me.
Sorry, but I don´t understand the last exercise. Could you repeat, please? What does …….mean?

17 ADVICE Well done. You have got a good mark! The daily work at home is very important You must study hard if you want to pass the exam You must do the exercises every day Please, be quiet. Silence please Silence please. Your classmate is doing an exercise on blackboard. He needs to be concentrated.

18 Don´t cheat in the exam A good behavior is very important at all times Pay attention, please! Stop talking, please! Close the door/the window, please.

19 ASK FOR PERMISSION Can/May I enter into the classroom? Can I come into the classroom? Can/May I go to the toilet, please?

Order of operations: jerarquía de operaciones Brackets, exponents, divide, multiply, add and substract: parentesis, exponentes, division, multiplicación, suma y resta Find the answer for the question below. Take your time and think carefully. Good luck!: Encuentra la respuesta a la siguiente pregunta. Tómate tu tiempo y piensa con cuidado. Buena suerte The sum of 5 and 7 is 12: la suma de 5 y 7 es 12

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