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Marriage, Divorce, and Annulment

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1 Marriage, Divorce, and Annulment

2 What Makes marriage? Consent freely exchanged between two persons.
The Council of Trent (1545) One of the 7 Sacraments Canonical Form of Marriage 1917 Code of Canon Law Primary and secondary end to marriage Marriage as a contract Mixed Marriages Dispensation

3 Vatican II AND Gaudium et Spes
Characteristics of marriage – human, total, permanent, faithful, fruitful, and moral Marriage as a covenant Dispensations and Impediments Premarital Preparation Local norms and regulations

1. A marriage between a baptized man and a baptized woman is a Sacrament. Marriage is covenant of special nature Marriage is a partnership of the whole life – communio and consortio The purpose of the marriage partnership is for the good of spouses and the procreation and education of children.

Marriage Preparation Process Pre-Nuptial Investigation Moral certainty that the marriage will be valid and licit. Exchange of consent Prescribed Ritual Consent is freely given – will, capacity, and knowledge Two-fold action of the matrimonial consent – total gift of self to the other; total acceptance of the other. The natural “right to marriage”

6 Who is bound by marriage church laws?
Catholics Those who left the Church by a formal act Observation of civil laws NB: In the Church, marriage possesses the favor of the law. Every marriage is presumed valid unless proven otherwise.

7 Various kinds of Marriage – from canon law point of view
Ratified Only Ratified and Consummated Putative Marriage

8 Marriage norms in the usa
Sacramental Norms Catholics ought to be Confirmed prior to Marriage (not a requirement) Receive the Sacrament of Penance Publication of Banns Pre-Nuptial Investigation Documentations Dispensations from the norms or impediments

9 Marriages that must be referred to the local church officials (local Ordinary)
Marriage is transient Marriage prohibited by civil law Marriage requiring annulments Someone who is hostile to the Faith One who is excommunicated or a priest who is suspended Minors (under 18) Marriage by proxy

Impotence Prior Bond Disparity of Worship Sacred Orders (Priests and Deacons) Religious Vows Abduction Crime Consanguinity/Relational Marriages Affinity Relationships (In-Laws) Public Propriety Legal Relationship Spiritual Relationship (Eastern Church)

11 Circumstances that can make a marriage null and invalid
Previously existing impediment Lack or defect of canonical form Defect of Consent

12 DISPENSATIONS Dispensation cannot be granted for
Impotence Prior Bond Consanguinity in the direct line Who can grant dispensations? Reserved to the Apostolic See (Pope or Roman authorities) Local ordinary Priest/Pastors In danger of death…

13 ANNULMENTS Definitions Grounds for Annulment
Defect of Knowledge Defect of Will Defect of Capacity Canonical Form of Marriage Mixed Marriages Separation of Spouses Non Consummated marriage Pauline Privilege Petrine Privilige Convalidation of Marriages

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