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Unit 10: Civil Rights Movement

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1 Unit 10: Civil Rights Movement


3 A. Philip Randolph 1941 - A. Philip Randolph planned a March on DC
Forced FDR to desegregate arms manufacturing Civil Rights Movement gaining force Marches, sit-ins, violence in response A. Philip Randolph began planning a new March on Washington

4 The March on Washington
August 28, 1963 More than 200,000 demonstrators One of the largest peaceful demonstrations of the Civil Rights Movement

5 Goals Comprehensive Civil Rights Bill
Desegregation of public facilities Voting protections Desegregation of schools in 1963 Jobs program Federal ban on discrimination of employment








13 John Lewis 23 years old Chairman of SNCC
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee Wrote one of the major speeches of the march Other leaders asked him to modify it to make it less inflammatory He did, but the second version was still more radical than other speeches at the March

14 MLK Speech: http://www. npr. org/templates/story/story. php

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