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Also remember to…. Limit text to key ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Also remember to…. Limit text to key ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Also remember to…. Limit text to key ideas.
Substance Abuse PowerPoint Outline Use the websites: for information on substances, or       Useful Websites:  Also remember to…. Limit text to key ideas. Include graphics (illustrations, photos, videos) to enhance understanding. Engage the audience with attractive color, layout, and font.

2 Name(s) of Presenter(s)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Catchy title of presentation which includes the substance abuse topic/celebrity _________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Presenter(s) Health

3 On this Introduction slide include an engaging beginning
On this Introduction slide include an engaging beginning. This could be ….. - Thought provoking questions, - Surprising statistics, - Story, - Picture, - Video, - Or some other way to get your classmates engaged in your topic.

4 What is ___________? Give scientific definition of the substance abuse topic. Cite source:

5 Forms of __________ List various forms of the substance. Include street names of the substance if applicable.

6 History Bullet some facts about the history of the substance/celebrity. You may want to include …. where and when it first originated, various laws associated with the possession and use of the substance, or any other relevant and/or interesting historical information

7 How _____ is taken Bullet various ways substance is taken/administered.

8 Physical Health Effects
Bullet positive effects (if applicable) and health risks. Diagrams maybe helpful.

9 Psychological Health Effects
Bullet behavioral and/or emotional health effects. Information on tolerance may be included. Diagrams may be helpful.

10 Trends in Use Bullet statistics and/or include a graph showing the use of this substance over time. Cite source:

11 Consequences of Use: Deaths
Bullet statistics and/or include a graph showing the number of deaths caused by this substance. Cite source:

12 Other Consequences of Use
Bullet statistics and/or include a graph showing the various other consequences. These may be related to effects on family members, crime stats, workplace burden, strain on healthcare system, etc. Cite source:

13 Treatment Programs and Effectiveness
Withdrawal symptoms may be covered. Include types of treatment programs and how effective they are. Cite source:

14 Conclusion Sum up 4-5 pieces of important information about the substance/celebrity.

15 Sources Include a minimum of three sources in alphabetical order and in MLA format. Google “Noodle Tools” or “Citation Machine” for easy to use websites to help you put your sources in MLA format.

16 Quiz Create a five question quiz on the content of your presentation to give to your classmates at the conclusion of your presentation.

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