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Welcome to Cloud Construction 101!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Cloud Construction 101!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Cloud Construction 101!

2 First, let’s outline our landscape at the bottom of the page

3 Next, let’s mark our altitudes
5000 meters 5000 meters 2000 meters 2000 meters

4 Add Cirrus clouds in your highest altitude block (above 5000m)
Clouds at this altitude include cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus Tend to be long, thin, and wispy

5 Below them are the alto clouds (between 2000-5000m)
Clouds at this altitude include altocumulus and altostratus (This is also where you might find a nimbostratus cloud – the ones that cause light rain)

6 Finally, we add the stratus and cumulus clouds, at 2000m or below
Clouds at this this altitude include cumulus and stratus Stratus is a dense, thick cloud Cumulus is a puffy cloud (they often look like shapes and animals!)

7 But wait! What about that one blank space?? Let’s add the biggest cloud…
Cumulonimbus! These are the huge clouds that produce thunderstorms and heavy rain Their base starts at 2000m and builds up past 5000m!

8 Let your clouds dry overnight And resist the urge to touch them!!

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