Advertising LO2 (part2):

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1 Advertising LO2 (part2):
PASS TASK continued: What is your product’s USP? Write a paragraph and include images to explain what is specifically special about your product. Why would someone be enticed to buy it? What time of year would be the best time to launch your product? When would the most advertising be done? Why? Write a few paragraphs to explain your thoughts on this. What could you consider for your advert, based on the time of year you would advertise? Create 2-3 mood boards which sums up the colour schemes, the themes, the target audience and the messages you are trying to convey. Summarise your ideas for your campaign after the mood boards to show your thinking. Create a campaign schedule / gannt chart to show key mile stones and media ideas. Create a visualization diagram and flat plan of one of your advertisements. Create a pitch proposal which sells your advertising campaign (on Powerpoint or GoogleSlides) ready to present back next Monday. Include: how would you create a cross-media campaign, what are your key messages, how do you create this campaign based on the client brief? What resources would you need? What are the themes?

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