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Pediatric Case Presentation

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1 Pediatric Case Presentation
Reporter: Intern 張智閑 Supervisor: CR賴馥蘋 Date: 2016/5/20

2 2016/5/13

3 Chief Complaint Small for gestational age and imperforate anus was found after birth (2016/5/12)

4 Present Illness MOTHER 32 y/o female Amniocentesis: normal
Level II sonar: normal, no oligohydroamnio or polyhydroamnios No gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) or preeclampsia TORCH survey for IUGR

5 Past History Birth History: Apgar score: 8→9 Feeding: NPO
G1P1A0 Cesarean section due to IUGR w/ fetal distress Gestational age: 38+2 weeks Newborn: delay of initial crying (-), premature rupture of membrane (-) Apgar score: 8→9 Feeding: NPO Vaccination: (-) Growth and Development: Body weight: 1765gm (<3th%), body length: 43.9 cm (<3th%), head circumstance: 29.5 cm (<3th%) Ponderal index=2.09(<10th%)

6 Family History

7 Physical Examination Vital signs: T/P/R: 35.3/152/36, BP: 86/51 mmHg
Consciousness: clear, Appearance: fair looking Head: Conjunctiva: not anemic, Sclera: not icteric Throat: not injected Neck: supple, no lymphadenopathy Chest: symmetric expansion, subcostal retraction (-) Breathing sounds: bilateral clear, no crackles Heart sound: no murmur Abdomen: soft, not distended, bowel sounds: normoactive Liver/Spleen: impalpable / impalpable Extremities: freely movable, pitting edema (-) Skin: turgor fine, no rash, no meconium stain Anus: imperforate, sphincter reflex (-), no visible fistula

8 Laboratory Data

9 Impression Imperforate anus Survey for associated anomaly
→ NPO with nasogastric tube decompression Consult Pediatric surgeon

10 VACTERL defect Vertebral defect Anal defect Cardiac defects
Tracheal Esophageal fistula defect Renal defect Limb defect OEIS 1 in 40W

11 X ray VACTERL可以看出VTEL

12 Cardiac echo PDA and inter-atrial shunt 1)Situs solitus, levocardia 2)No chamber dilation 3)A patent ductus arteriosus with size: 0.3cm; L to R shunt, with PG: 12mmHg 4)Good LV systolic function with LVEF: 65.9% 5)An inter-atrial left to right shunt, size: 0.365cm 6)Left arch, no COA DVD N530 Min-Ling Hsieh / Min-Ling Hsieh A patent ductus arteriosus with size: 0.272cm; L to R shunt, with PG: 16mmHg

13 TE Fistula

14 Renal Echo

15 Renal Echo

16 Spinal echo

17 X ray VACTERL可以看出VTEL

18 2016/5/13 Operation Operative diagnosis :
1. Anorectal malformation, high type 2. Megacolon(?) Operative procedure : Double barrel colostomy  area of vestige of external sphincter fistula 2mm in diameter 2.8cm from the vestige

19 Post-OP D3

20 Final Diagnosis Anorectal malformation vestibular fistula type

21 Imperforate Anus

22 Overview Incidence (1) 1/4,000 live births (2) Male > female
Embryology (1) Urorectal septum anomaly (2) Cloaca → urogenital sinus + rectum Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.19 th edition, 2011: Chapter 336 Surgical Conditions of the Anus and Rectum

23 Type Low type: fistula to perineum High type: fistula to urinary tract
Normal sacrum, good muscles Good prognosis High type: fistula to urinary tract Undeveloped sacrum and muscles Poor innervation Poor prognosis Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.19 th edition, 2011: Chapter 336 Surgical Conditions of the Anus and Rectum

24 Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.19 th edition, 2011: Chapter 336 Surgical Conditions of the Anus and Rectum

25 Type Perineal fistula Vestibular fistula Cloaca
The most benign of ARM <10% associated with urologic defect Gynecologic anomalies are rare Vestibular fistula Cloaca Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 5st edition

26 Approach to the patient
Careful inspection of the perineum to check fistula Cross-table lateral veiw X-ray Nasogastric tube to identify esophageal atresia Urinalysis: provide enough data in 80-90% of male patients to determine the need for a colostomy Meconium in the urine: do colostomy Radiography not reliable during first 16~24hr -> bowel not distended Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.19 th edition, 2011: Chapter 336 Surgical Conditions of the Anus and Rectum

27 minimal posterior sagittal anal rectal plasty
改cross-table view 1 27

28 Outcome Fecal & urine incontinence and constipation
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.19 th edition, 2011: Chapter 336 Surgical Conditions of the Anus and Rectum

29 Operation Low High Minimal Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty (MPSARP)
1-2 days after birth High Colostomy: 1-2 day after birth Pull-through (Peña PSARP): after 4-8 weeks Cloaca: after 4-6 months Take-down: 1-3 months after pull-through The three main goals of treatment are to allow passage of stool (ie, relieve obstruction), to place the rectal pouch on the perineum in good position, and to close the fistula. Low defects: Minimal PSARP with anal dilation (daily for 3-5 months to prevent stricture formation and to allow for growth) place the fistula within the limits of the ext. sphincter. High defects: Colostomy decompresses the bowel and provides protection during the healing of the subsequent total repair. (先以下結腸造口術解除大腸阻塞的現象) If the patient grows well and has no other associated defects (GI or cardiac) that require treatment → readmitted at 4-8 weeks Very young infant → need more experience Performing the definitive repair at 1 m/o has important advantages for the patient. The time of cloaca repair: 3 m/o 1 29 29 29

30 Take home messages Evaluation: physical examination & urine analysis
Low type v.s. High type: perineal fistula VACTERL: (Vertebral, imperforate Anus, Cardiac defect, TracheoEsophageal fistula, Renal agenesis, radial Limb dysplasia) Survey Operation Outcome: Fecal & urine incontinence and constipation

31 Thanks for your attention!

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