Ruth E. McBurney, CHP CRCPD NCRP

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Presentation on theme: "Ruth E. McBurney, CHP CRCPD NCRP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ruth E. McBurney, CHP CRCPD NCRP
NCRP Scientific Committee 5-2: Developing a Commentary on TENORM in the Oil and Gas Industry Ruth E. McBurney, CHP CRCPD NCRP

2 Background--Issues Issues identified in E-42 Task Force Report on TENORM in the Oil and Gas Industry Need for review of acceptance criteria (trigger levels) in SSRCR Part N for adequacy, consistency Exemption standard based on concentration can cause variation in resulting dose and risk Need for additional acceptance criteria for radionuclides other than radium

3 Background— NCRP Partnership Recommendation
E-42 recommended that CRCPD partner with NCRP in the investigation and evaluation of the issues for development of: action levels a better regulatory framework Consensus on action levels through modeling considerations would also lead to better consensus on TENORM management and disposal options

4 NCRP Committee 5-2 Formed
Approved by NCRP Board of Directors in December 2014 Purpose To prepare a Commentary and Report that provides a literature review and in- depth analysis of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) / Technologically Enhanced NORM (TENORM) radiation protection issues related to Oil & Gas (O&G) production.

5 Scope of Work Scope of Commentary Efforts
Determination of oil and gas recommendations for a future NCRP report Part 2 – NCRP Report (later)--Report and guidance document with expanded exposure scenarios to estimate dose, establish radiation monitoring protocols and environmental and worker protection issues

6 Activities to Date Workshop at HPS Midyear Meeting –TENORM in Unconventional Oil and Gas Production

7 Activities to Date Special Session on NORM and TENORM at 2016 Health Physics Society Meeting— Industry Day Meeting of Committee to narrow scope of work July 2016

8 Potential Areas of Inclusion for Commentary
Operations that generate TENORM TENORM management Disposal options Radiation protection Public Workers Environment

9 Potential Considerations for Recommendations
Regulatory Framework When does TENORM become LLRW? At what concentration/quantity/dose should regulation of TENORM be considered? Waste classification in the US Lessons learned from past reports and studies Worker and environmental protection

10 Potential Considerations for Recommendations
Disposal Modeling Concepts Critical dose pathways Legal Considerations Liability issues long term Worker and public exposure

11 Status and Conclusion Drafting has begun
Several members of CRCPD on the NCRP Committee Representatives from industry, consulting and training Document will be peer reviewed when completed The expectation is that the recommendations of NCRP will help inform future model state regulations and guidance for CRCPD.

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