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Religion in Greece.

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1 Religion in Greece

2 Polytheistic Greece believed there were many gods and goddesses – which means they were polytheists

3 Differences? Each god or goddess had a different role and were in charge of different aspects of life. Zeus = god of gods Poseidon = god of the sea Apollo = sun god Aphrodite = goddess of love Athena = goddess of war and wisdom

4 Mount Olympus Gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus, which was their home. They lived like a regular human family – fighting and looking after each other.

5 Honoring Them… The Greeks honored the gods by:
Building them temples (ex. Parthenon) Worshipping in temples Naming cities after them (ex. Athens) Building statues/pottery/art of them Bringing gifts to the temples Sacrifices

6 Interactions with them
The gods are normally invisible to mortals, but can make themselves seen if they want Sometimes the gods would use a disguise to interact

7 Demi-gods If a god and a mortal had a child together, the child would be a demi-god, meaning half god Zeus and Poseidon were fathers to many demi- gods Demi-gods were faster, braver and stronger than mortals, giving them hero status Examples of demi-gods are Heracles (Hercules is actually the Roman version) Achilles (yes, the same as the term Achilles’ heel – his one spot of weakness)

8 Gods in movie culture Hercules (Disney) Troy
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Clash of the Titans Wrath of the Titans And many more….

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