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Achieving Success Attendance Attitude and approach Preparation Advice.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Success Attendance Attitude and approach Preparation Advice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Success Attendance Attitude and approach Preparation Advice

2 Attendance: What’s the big deal?
Research tells us: Less than 8 days absence a year = 90% likelihood of gaining 5 GCSEs 17 days absence or more = 40% likelihood of gaining 5 GCSEs In other words … There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement.

3 What does my attendance % mean?
Attendance Rate By the end of the autumn term By the end of the spring term By the end of the school year 100% 95% 4 7 10 90% 13 20 85% 11 30 80% 14 27 40 Core ICT Option e.g. French English/Maths

4 Attitude and approach to learning

5 Attitude and approach to learning
Positive thinking Being more self-confident Resilience Organisation Independent study Seeking advice Understanding exam structures Plan to revise Practise, practise, practise

6 Preparation – How to revise
Aim for your session – by the end of my 2 hour revision session I will have achieved… Revise something that you find difficult – what do you need to spend more time on? Small 'chunks' with breaks work better than long periods staring at a book! Don't just read to revise ... write it down, summarise, condense, create your own revision aid. Make it fun - drawings, songs, mindmaps, colour, revison aids around the house etc Get someone to test you/ test yourself.

7 Preparation – How to revise
Make yourself earn your rewards. Set achievable targets that you can tick off. Stick to your timings, if you have planned it correctly you will get through everything. Don't work too late, you will need your sleep. If you are struggling with a question near the end of your session leave it and make sure that you finish on a positive note by completing a question that you can do. Next day at school go and find someone to help you with your troublesome question. Don’t leave it all until the end. Revision is not just for Year 11.

8 As a parent, what can I do?

9 Tips for parents Being part of the team – teachers, parents and student Asking your child – what can I do? Help them start revision – timetable, achievable goals and rewards, stationary etc SIMs Find out about interventions, revision classes, recommended guides Quiz them – you’ll be surprised what you learn as well!

10 Achieving Success

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