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American Studies Mr. Crickenberger and Mr. Ratcliffe

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1 American Studies Mr. Crickenberger and Mr. Ratcliffe
The early republic American Studies Mr. Crickenberger and Mr. Ratcliffe

2 Development of Political Parties
Washington was “above” politics, but still considered himself a Federalist Federalist party led by John Adams and Alexander Hamilton Characteristics Pro industrial development Pro British Pro strong federal government Supported by bankers and business interests in the North Prominent Federalists

3 Development of Political Parties
Democratic-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Characteristics Pro agriculture Pro revolutionary France Pro “common” man Pro States rights (vs. strong central government) Supported by farmers, artisans, and frontiersmen in the South

4 John Adams – Foreign Policy
Continued neutrality that Washington had imposed Adams wanted to stay out of war between Britain and France, despite many Americans supporting one of the two countries However, many of his actions, such as the Alien and Sedition Acts, made Adams appear to show favoritism towards the British

5 Election of 1800 Between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
Extremely confrontational campaigns by the candidates – Adams and Jefferson’s friendship will suffer for several years after In the end, Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans win the election This is the first American presidential election in which power was peacefully transferred from one party to another.

6 Important Early Supreme Court Cases
Chief Justice John Marshall presided over both cases Marbury v. Madison established “judicial review”, which established the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional The McCulloch v. Maryland ruling prohibited states from taxing agencies of the federal government How else could we say this? __________________________________________

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