Unit 6 Labo-langue Regular and irregular verbs Expressions of time

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1 Unit 6 Labo-langue Regular and irregular verbs Expressions of time
Possessive adjectives: how to say ‘his’/‘her’ quand

2 Regular and irregular verbs
Unit 6: Labo-langue Regular and irregular verbs Porter (to wear), jouer (to play), télécharger (to download) are regular -er verbs just like aimer. Aller (to go) is the only irregular -er verb and you have to learn its forms by heart: Faire (to do, to make) is another irregular verb: aller faire je vais je fais tu vas tu fais il/elle/on va il/elle/on fait © Oxford University Press 2014

3 Expressions of time Unit 6: Labo-langue
Most time expressions can be added either at the start or at the end of the sentence: Je vais au cinéma tous les samedis. Tous les samedis, je vais au cinéma. Souvent (often) and toujours (always) come immediately after the verb: Je vais souvent au cinéma. I often go to the cinema. © Oxford University Press 2014

4 Possessive adjectives: how to say ‘his’/‘her’
Unit 6: Labo-langue Possessive adjectives: how to say ‘his’/‘her’ Possessive adjectives are words to say ‘my’, ‘your’, ‘his’, ‘her’. masculine feminine starts with a vowel plural son sa ses un portable a mobile une console de jeux a games console son portable his mobile her mobile sa console de jeux his console her console ses portables his mobiles her mobiles ses consoles de jeux his consoles her consoles © Oxford University Press 2014

5 quand Unit 6: Labo-langue Quand means ‘when’.
You can use it to build more complex sentences. The phrase with quand can be at the beginning or at the end of your sentence. Quand il pleut, je porte une veste. Je porte une veste quand je vais en ville. © Oxford University Press 2014

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