1 SkyRiver and CVPL Saving Time  Saving Money A Story About Survival.

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1 1 SkyRiver and CVPL Saving Time  Saving Money A Story About Survival

2 50% are Hispanic 50% are under 18 years old
2 Chula Vista is the 2nd largest city in San Diego County   Population: 240,000 50% are Hispanic 50% are under 18 years old Civic Center South Chula Vista Otay Ranch

3 Today Collection size: 375,000 volumes
Average number of items processed: 3,000 per month Digital/Technical Services Staff: 2.5 benefited (Me, Erni & Maureen) .75 FTE of hourly

4 Hard Times @ CVPL 2007 to 2012 4 directors Budget cuts and layoffs
Materials budget $75,000 2012

5 2007

6 Statistics on Visitors & Usage Drop 2006-2011

7 The Switch was easy ... Really easy
Our previous Bibliography Utility was reasonable The City was impressed by annual savings $15,000+ Vendors providing fully catalogued materials and records for ebooks had no issues A full day on onsite training Training new staff is a breeze

8 Less expensive, easier to use, cleaner records & more functionality

9 Continued Challenges Our firewall
9 Continued Challenges Our firewall Skyriver staff is eager to help us resolve this No more WorldCat or OCLC Interlibrary Loan We have fire wall issues but then we always have had firewall issues I would not be suprised to learn that other libraries do not have this problem Inhouse use of worldcat was problematic in part because of our firewall so we don't miss it and not having OCLC for ILL is proving to be a positive or us. We are working more closely with our nieghboring systems to provide ILL between San Diego and Imperial Co libraries. Mind even when we did have OCLC ILL we generally didnpt borrow or loan more than 20 books a year.

10 Momentum We began using Skyriver March 2011
1010 Momentum We began using Skyriver March 2011 July 2011 City Council wrangled $500,000 to help us keep the doors open Last April we opened the Otay Ranch Branch  in a beautiful new shopping center (rent free) Last 2 months all statistical indicators are up (circulation, visitors, program attendance) We are hoping to have more of a materials budget next year The future is starting to look bright again

11 Thank you for listening to my library’s story
Thank you for listening to my library’s story. Jodie Sawina Digital Services Manager

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