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Fixation Options in Osteoporotic Bone

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Presentation on theme: "Fixation Options in Osteoporotic Bone"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fixation Options in Osteoporotic Bone
Jeff Anglen, MD FACS Indiana University Special Thanks to Larry Marsh, MD

2 Baltimore, Maryland USA
Orthopaedic Trauma Association th Annual Meeting – 16 October 2010

3 Based on US Census Bureau Data

4 Age related changes in physiology
Decreased bone mass Bone mineral density peaks age 25-30 Declines .3-.5% per year (variable) ↑ Falls + weaker bone = Fracture

5 Surgical Indications are different in Elderly Patients
RISK BENEFIT Functional demands are different Long term results less important Surgery is more difficult, less predictable Risk of complications is higher Medical - systemic Surgical - local

6 Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

7 Unpredictable or worse outcomes Example: ORIF of tibial plateau fx
Schwartsman R, et al. Am. J. Orthop. 1998; 27: % Unsatisfactory in pts > 50 yo Ali AM, et al. J. Orthop. Trauma 2002; 16: % fixation failure in pts > 60 yo

8 60 yo female significant osteopenia
Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

9 3 months 6 months Post op Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

10 Infected 1 year hardware removal ROM: 20o-90o terrible result
Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

11 76 yo female Tripped and fell Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

12 Treated in cast brace 3 year follow up Slight valgus knee
Assymptomatic Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

13 Fractures in elderly patients
Low energy mechanisms Different patterns: Metaphyseal compression Comminution Splinters or spikes Deeply impacted articular surfaces

14 Femoral artery Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

15 Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

16 Images courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

17 The “Gull Sign” J Ortho Trauma Vol

18 Alternatives to ORIF Closed management
Fragment excision/soft tissue repair Olecranon Patella Arthroplasty Proximal humerus Femoral neck Distal humerus Acetabulum Knee


20 Femoral neck fracture ORIF has: Less blood loss Shorter op time
Lower infection rate But Higher RE-operation rate! Bhandari et al. JBJS Am 2003

21 If you decide to ORIF - Nails rather than plates when possible
Limited or Percutaneous approaches May accept a little shortening for cortical contact Longer plates, fewer screws Locking plates Allograft rather than autograft, consider BMP Augment fixation

22 Locking Plates

23 Biomechanics of Locking plates More stable fixation: Testing Data
LOAD Low density foam simulating osteopenic Bone 4.5 mm Narrow LCP Apply a load and measure deflection Testing on traditional vs locked plate constructs.

24 Locked Plate and Screw Testing
Osteopenic Bone Model (Low density foam) 1.7X 1.5X Notable points: Simulated osteopenic bone of low density foam Traditional and locking constructs tested Unicortical and bi-cortical constructs tested Lavendar line-(3) 4.5mm traditional cortical screws Loads at which these constructs begin to fail- First “tick” or Yield Point 1st review benefit of adding one locked screw to an osteopenic bone. Increases resistance to 1.5X greater axial loads 2nd note that load carrying capability of uni-cortical locking screws is similar to that of bicortical cortex screws.

25 Augmenting the bone PMMA Calcium Phosphate cement Allograft struts

26 Ca Phosphate cement as an aid to internal fixation of the proximal humerus Kwon et al JBJS 2002
Slide courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD

27 Ca-P cement in a 62 yo female with split depression plateau fracture
Slide courtesy of Larry Marsh, MD


29 Intramedullary Fibular strut graft

30 Endosteal Plate

31 Summary Recognize different operative indications – use more conservative care Choose the right techniques Consider arthroplasty Fixation choices Nails Minimal exposures Locking plates Grafting Bone augmentation

32 Don’t Forget to Treat the Disease: Osteoporosis
Calcium and Vitamin D Biphosponates when indicated Exercise counseling

33 Jeff Anglen, MD
Thank You Jeff Anglen, MD

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