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GOVERNMENT Game Show Review

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Presentation on theme: "GOVERNMENT Game Show Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 GOVERNMENT Game Show Review

2 Who is the leader of a city?

3 mayor

4 Who is the leader of a state?

5 governor

6 Who is the state governor of Georgia?

7 Sonny Perdue

8 What are taxes used for in the government?

9 Provide services such a fire and police department

10 What are some of the duties of a governor?

11 *suggests laws that he thinks will be good for state

12 *meets with governors from other states to talk about ideas

13 *Leader of the state’s National Guard (helps people in emergencies)

14 Name 3 services provided by the local government?

15 1)Police & Firemen 2) street signs 3) libraries 4) sewers & water 5)Garbage collection

16 How does the local government pay for these services?

17 taxes

18 Who pays taxes?

19 Citizens

20 What is the name of the local government that meets to solve problems?

21 City or town council

22 Name 3 services provided by the state government?

23 1)Driver’s licenses 2)State highways 3)State parks

24 True/False: The governor suggests laws he thinks would be good.


26 True/False: The governor is ELECTED by citizens.



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