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CELLS ALL living things are made of cells, from the simplest and smallest unicellular organisms to great blue whales. Cells come in a wide variety of.

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Presentation on theme: "CELLS ALL living things are made of cells, from the simplest and smallest unicellular organisms to great blue whales. Cells come in a wide variety of."— Presentation transcript:

1 CELLS ALL living things are made of cells, from the simplest and smallest unicellular organisms to great blue whales. Cells come in a wide variety of shapes. Different cells have different functions. For example, nerve cells send messages, cells in the eyes produce tears, stomach cells digest food, cells in the testes produce sperm. Cells do have certain structures in common.

2 How big are cells? The answer is tiny, tiny, tiny!
Inside the human body are trillions of cells-and to think you started out as just an egg and a sperm cell!

3 Cells are sacs of fluid surrounded by membranes
Cells are sacs of fluid surrounded by membranes. Inside the cell are CELL ORGANELLES- structures found inside the cell that each have a specialized function. CELLS

4 Cell Membrane “Skin of the Cell”
Function: Surrounds and protects the cell. Controls what substances enter and leave the cell- is called selectively permeable because it only allows some substances to enter and leave. Structure: Made up of a double layer of fats with some proteins and carbohydrates.

5 NUCLEUS “Information Center”
Every cell of has a nucleus. Inside the nucleus is DNA, the genetic material. The genetic material contains the cells instructions. It tells the cell what type it will be and what it will produce. NUCLEOLUS: An area inside the nucleus

6 MITOCHONDRIA “Powerhouse of the cell”
Sugar + Oxygen Carbon dioxide+water+ ENERGY Where energy (ATP) is produced in the cell The number of mitochondria varies depending upon type of cell. The more ENERGY a cell needs, the more mitochondria it will have.

7 Endoplasmic Reticulum
The “Highway system” of the cell Function: Transport materials around the cell-from organelle to organelle, or from organelle to cell membrane. Structure: A series of canals that connects the nucleus to the cytoplasm of the cell. Has two different forms: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum- Has ribosomes attached Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum- No ribosomes

8 RIBOSOMES “Protein Factory” of the cell
Function: Where proteins are made Smallest of all the organelles, look like dots Some ribosomess are attached to Endoplasmic Reticulum, others are found free within the cytoplasm

9 GOLGI APPARATUS Can also be referred to as the “UPS” system of the cell. Function: Place where chemical substances that are produced in the cell are packaged up to be shipped to other organelles or to the outside of the cell. Structure: A flattened stack of five or six membranes (looks like a stack of dinner plates)

10 VACUOLE “Storage Tank”
Function: Storage area for the cell, stores water, salts, pigments, some toxic wastes. Structure: A sac surrounded by a membrane. The vacuole is usually the largest organelle in the plant cell, often comprising 80% of a mature cell. Animal cells have smaller, but more numerous vacuoles.

11 CHLOROPLASTS “Food Factory for the plant cell”
Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants make their own food. Function: Site of photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O chlorophyll C6H12O6 + 6O2 light CHLOROPLASTS

12 CELL WALL Function: Protects the plant cell and helps maintain its shape. Structure: Found outside of the cell membrane, it is thicker than the cell membrane. Only found in plant cells.

13 LYSOSOMES The “garbage disposal” or “suicide sacs” of the cell
Function: Special vesicles formed by the Golgi Apparatus to clean-up the cell. Remove dead organelles by surrounding them, breaking them down and releasing the proteins which are then used to make new organelles Structure: Membrane bound sacs containing digestive enzymes. Only found in animal cells.

14 CENTRIOLES Function: Help in cell division, only found in animal cells
Structure: Two centrioles are found in each animal cell. Each centriole looks like a bunch of pencils.

15 Cilia and Flagella Function:Help cells to move. Two different types
1. Cilia: Usually occur in large numbers, short. 2. Flagella-Only one or two per cell, longer than cilia, Found in many unicellular organisms, also in the sperm cells of animals and line the respiratory system of many animals

16 CYTOSKELETON “Skeletal framework”
Function: To provide support and protection, provides anchorage for many organelles of. the cell. Made up of thick tubes (blue) and thin tubes (yellow).


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