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The Devil and tom walker

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1 The Devil and tom walker
Pre-reading activities

2 Academic Vocabulary Characterization: the creation and development of a character Direct Characterization: the writer tells you what the character is like Indirect Characterization: the writer reveals a character’s personality through their speech, thoughts, actions, appearance, and other characters’ reactions Symbol: anything that stands for or represents something else Conventional Symbol: one that is widely known and accepted (ex: skull symbolizes death) Personal Symbol: one developed for a particular work by a particular author

3 Text-Dependent Vocabulary
Create a three-column chart in your notebook for the following words: Word and Part of Speech Definition Write an original sentence for each word. Prevalent (adj) Widely existing or occurring Discord (n) Lack of harmony; conflict Treacherous (adj) dangerous Extort (v) To obtain by threat or violence Ostentation (n) Boastful display Parsimony (n) Stinginess

4 Anticipation Guide There is a devil who tries to trick people.
Read the following statements. Decide if you agree or disagree with them. Write a brief explanation of why or why not in your composition books. There is a devil who tries to trick people. Money is the number one goal for most people in today’s society. Integrity is more important than money. When you marry, what is yours should become your spouse’s and vice versa. It is okay to lie to your spouse if the lie will not hurt them.

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