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Launching the New Ship of State

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1 Launching the New Ship of State
Chapter 10, American Pageant, 13th ed.

2 DISCLAIMER What you are about to learn is information regarding the first two Presidents of the United States All information plays into a larger political divide between Hamiltonian Federalists & Jeffersonian Republicans Keep this in mind as we start launch our new ship of state!

3 The first “Dubya” – Washington
Federalist ( ) Had common sense, but no brilliance Unanimously chosen as 1st Pres. Adams - VP Jefferson – Sec. of State Knox – Sec. of War Hamilton – Sec. of Treasury

4 The first “Dubya” – Washington
Adopted Bill of Rights (1791) Judiciary Act (1789) Added Supreme Court, Federal Courts, Circuit Courts John Jay – 1st Chief Justice of Supreme Court

5 Washington’s Presidency
French Revolution began 1789; Louis XVI beheaded 1793 Great Britain disgusted, enters alliance against French revolutionaries Franco-American alliance tested Washington issues Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 U.S. & is citizens would be neutral Began U.S. isolationist stance Kept U.S. out of another “world war”

6 Washington’s Presidency
Hamilton is “Father of the National Debt” Debt unites people for common cause Passed excise taxes Proposed Bank of the United States (1791) To print money and deposit the Federal Treasury dollars

7 Washington’s Presidency
Whiskey Rebellion (PA 1794) Excise tax on whiskey; violent protests ensued Washington rallied troops from several states; put down Whiskey Rebellion Another of Hamilton’s fiscal policies; had to pay for national debt

8 Washington’s Presidency
Miami Confederacy (led by Little Turtle) 8 Native American tribes around Great Lakes region (present day Michigan) Confederacy traded w/Britain, terrorized Americans Battle of Fallen Timbers U.S. General Wayne defeated Miami Confederacy Treaty of Greenville signed (1795) Miami gave up land in present-day Indiana & Ohio for $20,000 & annual payment of $9000; could also hunt land

9 Washington’s Presidency
GB cut off trade between US & French West Indies; seized US ships America stayed neutral though it was a divisive issue Washington sends John Jay (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) to London

10 Washington’s Presidency
Jay’s Treaty w/London GB would pay for damages for seized American ships (old seizures, not new ones) GB would leave US soil (they still had outposts in NW) US would pay debts to British merchants

11 Washington’s Presidency
Pinckney Treaty (1795) Spain thought US & Britain were allying forces against France; Spain wanted to hop in the bandwagon US got uninhibited navigation of Mississippi River & Florida Washington decides he is done and writes his poignant Farewell Address

12 Why hello, John Adams. Federalist (1797-1801)
Ran against Jefferson (Democratic-Republican) Had to deal with France (Jay’s treaty) French seized American ships Had to have peace with France

13 Adam’s Presidency XYZ Affair Convention of 1800
Adams sent envoys to France They were met by X, Y, Z (wanted bribes before negotiations would begin) US came home empty handed Adams becomes “Father of the Navy”; fighting was in French West Indies ( ) Adams sent men to talk to Napoleon Bonaparte Convention of 1800 France & US ended alliance, made nice with Napoleon, avoided war

14 Adam’s Presidency Alien & Sedition Laws
Raised residence requirements for European immigrants to become voting citizens (5yrs. to 14 yrs.) Imprisonment or deportation of dangerous immigrants during peacetime Jail or fines for defaming the US, the president or government in general

15 Adam’s Presidency Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
Drafted by Jefferson & Madison Passed by Kentucky ( ) and Virginia (1798) National government had exceeded the powers given to it by the Constitution Encouraged states to refuse the Alien & Sedition Acts.

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