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Conducting Field Research

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1 Conducting Field Research
Information from Owl Purdue

2 Setting up the Interview
1. Contact the potential interviewee in advance: the way you get a hold of the person depends on previous relationships. 2. Arrange a specific time and place, and let the interviewee know how much time it will take. 3. Identify the topic that you will be discussing.

3 Before the Interview Prepare a list of questions
Find background information about the interviewee Prioritize your questions and ask the most important first Decide your goals for the interview

4 Writing your Questions
Ask yourself: “What do I need to know?” Write a list of things you want to find out Write questions that will help your interviewee discuss this information Do not ask bias questions: “Don’t you think we could improve campus parking by building another parking garage?” Check carefully to see if your wording could be offensive

5 Understanding Feedback
During the interview, summarize answers back to the interviewee to make sure you understand his/her answer. Q: What is your view about the parking situation on campus? A: I think it is a problem because there are more cars than parking spaces. Paraphrase response: So you believe there are not enough parking spaces on the cars on campus?

6 Meeting the Interviewee
Always bring a notebook (one that is easy to write on) and several trustworthy writing instruments. Bring a way to record the interview, always ask for permission. Keep notes on the interview, but make sure you are talking to the interviewee, not just scribbling. Bring your prepared list of question Try to stick to the topic but be flexible

7 Online Interviewing Always ask for permission first
Establish the scope and time period Use the same rule of courtesy

8 Follow up Etiquette Always thank your interviewee: in person and in writing Write-up your results as soon as you can after your interview Let your interviewee review your findings

9 Summarize Making contact to set up the interview
Prepare for the interview Meet with your interviewee Follow up on the interview

10 Observation

11 Types of Observation Becoming a part of the subject you are studying
Quietly observing a setting or natural habitat

12 In-class Assignment Find a place in the college and sit with your notebook. Note who is around you (or not) what do you see, hear, feel, etc.—Use sensory imagery. Try not to say where you are and instead show it with your description and tone. Try to use both first-person POV and third-person POV.

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