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Life cycle of a star - foldable

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1 Life cycle of a star - foldable
Low mass High mass Low mass High mass Low mass High mass Most massive

2 NEBULA – The stellar nursery where stars are born
A large cloud of gas and dust that is pulled together by gravity Mainly Hydrogen and Helium atoms

3 The Eagle Nebula: Where stars are born

4 Protostar A contracting cloud of gas and dust with enough mass to form a star. Earliest stage of a stars life. Before nuclear fusion has started.

5 MAIN SEQUENCE STAR Longest stage of a stars life.
Can last 10 Billion years (low mass lives longer than high mass stars). Nuclear fusion of the contracting gases begins (A STAR IS BORN). The Sun


7 Low Mass RED GIANT (left side)
As the star runs out of hydrogen, the core contracts (gets smaller) and the outer layers expand. It is now a Red Giant. This is when it cools down and the star gets less bright

8 Low Mass Planetary Nebula (left side)
A huge cloud of gas that is created when the outer layers of a Red Giant Star drift out into space. Star loses most of its mass Star’s Core


10 Low Mass White Dwarf (left side)
The blue-white hot core of what is left over of a planetary nebula Can shine for billions of years White Dwarfs are about the same size as Earth

11 White Dwarfs are about the same size as Earth

12 High Mass Super Giant (right side)
Bigger and more massive than a red giant, but otherwise the same. Main sequence star

13 High Mass Supernova (right side)
The brilliant explosion of a dying Super Giant star. This produces all the heavier elements like lead and gold. Scientists think that the Sun was born from a nebula that contained material from a supernova.

14 High Mass Neutron Star (right side)
Remains of high mass stars that are not massive enough to be a black hole. Smaller and more dense than White Dwarfs. A teaspoon of material from a Neutron Star weighs as much as a cruise ship.

15 High Mass Blackhole (right side)
An object with gravity so strong that not even light can escape. The most massive stars (40 times the mass of the Sun) become black holes. Star’s Core

16 Use your text book to complete the foldable with illustrations ( pictures )

17 Can you name each?

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